part six

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The evening before Harry was to go to the Ministry for Sirius Black's trial, he sat in the small lounge with Ginny in his arms. Ron and Hermione were quietly bickering in one corner, Fred and George were plotting something in the other. Percy sat alone off to the far side, reading while Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sat with Remus talking about something. Harry leaned down. Gently kissing the top of Ginny's fiery hair, smelling the scent he had grown so fond of.

"You're awfully quiet tonight, love," Ginny said, knowing something was on his mind.

"Just nervous about tomorrow," Harry answered. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"You know you can ask me anything," Ginny smiled at him.

"Will you go to the trial with me tomorrow?" he asked, the nervousness clear in his voice.

"Of course, I will, silly," Ginny smiled at him, placing a hand on his cheek. "That's what a girlfriend does. Always be there when needed. And you know we are so much more. I will stand by you through anything and everything."

"Thank you," Harry said with a smile. He leaned in, kissing her gently and tenderly.

"Oi! No snogging over there," Fred called.

"And you're both to young to get a room!" George called. Harry and Ginny blushed crimson as the rest of them laughed.

The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, and Remus sat in the front row of the viewing stands of the large courtroom. Harry was sitting between Remus and Ginny. He sat nervously fidgeting as the stands slowly filled with reporters and viewers alike. Ginny took his hand sending calming feelings to him as Harry tried to pay attention to what Remus was telling him. Remus was pointing out the Aurors to Harry, each had a uniform of crimson robes, commenting on how James looked in his robes. Harry and Ginny noticed as Remus stopped and was staring at a young female Auror with bright pink hair standing in the back by a set of double doors. Harry and Ginny exchanged a quick, knowing smile at Remus' blank look.

A tall dark skinned Auror called the court to order as Dumbledore, Fudge, and Madame Bones entered the courtroom. They sat, bringing the court into session. Fudge tried to make excuses of why they shouldn't be there, but Bones cut him off at every turn. By the time the opening was finished Fudge was pale and squirming in his seat. Madame Bones had a thin smile on her face. Albus Dumbledore looked worried.

"Get on with this charade, if you must, Madame Bones," Fudge said, nervously.

"Auror Tonks, bring in Mr. Black," ordered Madame Bones. The pink haired Auror in the back turned and opened the door.

Sirius walked out dressed in a rich gray suit, with neatly trimmed hair. Although he was thin, he looked very regal as he walked to the witness chair. Sirius looked toward the stands, his eyes falling on Remus, he broke into a smile. Remus nodded, and tilted his head slightly. Sirius' eyes landed on Harry and his smile grew. He scanned the front row, seeing many redheads. He noticed Molly and Arthur Weasley, and grinned. Sirius turned to the side, looking at Tonks.

"Hello, little cousin," he whispered to her.

"Wotcher!" Tonks smiled at him.

Sirius made a show of sitting in the witness chair as the chains on the chair covered his wrists and ankles.

"Mr. Black," greeted Madame Bones.

"Lovely to see you again, Madame Bones. Not so much you, Fudge. But what can I ask for? A pompous idiot sitting in on my trial. Better than no trial from that wanker Crouch!" Sirius stated.

"I have one question for you, Mr. Black: Were you the Potters' Secret Keeper?" asked Madame Bones.

"No, I was not!" Sirius said with authority.

something differentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora