part eighteen

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"Pardon my intrusion on your breakfast," Dumbledore started as he stepped behind the podium on the Head table's raised platform. "I would like to announce to our students and guests, that next Friday night, in honor of Valentine's Day and the Tri-Wizard Tournament, we will be holding a Valentine's Day Ball. As before, the Ball is open to fourth years and above, unless a younger student is asked to attend by an older student. Thank you."

"So, that's why we needed two sets of dress robes this year," Ginny nodded in understanding.

"Would you like to go, love?" Harry asked with a grin.

"If it means getting to dance with my husband again," Ginny grinned back. "You know it."

"Just great! Another one!" complained Ron. Hermione huffed and turned pointedly away from him. "Oh, don't start this again," Ron frowned.

"Ronald, I'm warning you," Ginny growled. "Shut it now or you will have nice little conversation with some bat friends of mine!"

"No need for that, dear sister," George grinned as he leaned in between Ron and Hermione, making both of them jump.

"Too right, my esteemed brother," Fred smiled from Ron's other side, making Ron startle again.

"Where'd you two come from?" Ron asked with a frown.

"Everywhere," Fred joked. "Now, hush, little brother. Georgie," he nodded.

"Miss Granger, would you do me the honor and grant me the privilege of escorting you to the forthcoming Valentine's Ball?" George asked, quite eloquently. Hermione's mouth gaped as she stared at him.

"Before you answer, Hermione," Ginny broke in with narrowed eyes.

"This better not be a prank," Harry warned.

"Or you're gonna eat the Bat-Bogeys!" threatened Ginny.

"No prank, honest," gulped a very pale George.

"Very serious about this," Fred confirmed with a nod of his white face.

"We'll hold you to that," Ginny said menacingly.

"Wait!" Harry held his hand up. "Aren't you dating Alicia?"

"We broke up, just after New Year's," George answered.

"Warning still stands," Ginny frowned.

Fred and George both nodded. Hermione was still staring at George in shock. Ron had a look of disbelief on his face. Harry looked at Hermione with a raised eyebrow. Ginny shrugged slightly when Hermione looked at her for help.

Hermione sat in deep thought for a minute. Her mind was arguing the offer verses waiting for Ron to ask her. Given their recent history, Hermione was very doubtful he would even ask. Nor was she sure that she would accept an offer from Ron, as he had yet to apologize for the Yule Ball. On the other hand, here was one of the twins, who, if Hermione was honest with herself, had always intrigued her. They were very smart, but they didn't use that for school. It was a mystery that she wanted to solve.

"Alright, George," Hermione said finally. "You are George, right?" she asked. He nodded with a smile. "Yes, I'll go to the dance with you."

"Brilliant!" George grinned. "May I escort you to Hogsmeade this weekend for any last-minute apparel you may need?"

"I'd like that," Hermione smiled.

"Excellent!" George grinned.

Ron huffed as George sat down between him and Hermione. He promptly stood and stormed out of the Great Hall. Fred and Harry exchanged a frown and a head shake.

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