part twenty-four

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The group walked deeper into the cavern, walking down four long flights of narrow stone stairs. Captain Sheff had to walk sideways down them to accommodate his large feet. They passed a snake carved on a wall at the first landing. Then an eagle on the second. A badger was etched into third. Finally, they came to a lion carved onto the wall. Mordec motioned to the huge door. Harry stepped forward, placing his hand on the door where a handprint was outlined. The door glowed a bright blue for a few seconds before a loud clack was heard. The vault opened wide, but from their reactions, the other couldn't see inside. Ginny shrugged as they stepped into the huge vault.

"Hello, young master and lady," a robust voice called from the darkened center of the room.

Harry and Ginny exchanged a confused look as they entered the vault. Just as they cleared the doorway, the door closed with a thud. They stood still in the total darkness for a few seconds before numerous torches lit of their own accord. The flickering firelight bathed the inner vault with a reddish-orange glow that was reflected off the mountainous piles of gold and jewels that lined the walls. In the center of the vault stood a life-sized portrait of a large man in crimson red robes with gold trim. He wore a brown leather belt with a ruby-encrusted sword around his waist. His long hair and beard were dark red. His face had a kind smile, but his brown eyes looked very calculating and aware. In the background was a huge tapestry with the Gryffindor crest adorned on it.

"You're Godric Gryffindor, aren't you?" Harry asked.

"Well spotted, young master!" Gryffindor laughed. "T'is my old vault."

"Sorry," Harry blushed. "Just wasn't expecting to meet your portrait in here."

"Quite understandable, young Lord Potter," Gryffindor nodded. "I dare say a great many things have been kept from ye o'er the years."

"Yes, they have," Harry agreed.

"Well, don't be rude, introduce me to yer lady here," Gryffindor gestured to Ginny.

"Oh, sorry. Still a little shocked," Harry shook his head. "This is my wife, Ginevra Potter, but she prefers Ginny," he added quickly with a glare from Ginny.

Gryffindor laughed a robust, booming laugh that echoed around the vault. "Nothing e'er changes with ye Potters!"

"Sir?" Harry asked.

"Since the day me portrait was set up in this vault, my descendants have come here, waiting for the day to be named me heir," he began. "I don't mean just family heir, but me Magical heir as well. Many have come. Many of dem Potters. All with redheaded lasses that knew exactly how to handle dem! Yer father, included!"

" parents came here?" Harry asked weakly. Ginny took his hand to give him strength.

"Oh, yes! Lord James and Lady Lily came here shortly after they were wed," Gryffindor nodded. "And I must say, yer mother was especially well versed in handling yer father!"

"That sounds about right," Ginny laughed. "From what Harry's godfather has told us, my late mother-in-law definitely had that gift!"

"Oh, aye! That she did!" smiled Gryffindor. "But that is not why ye are here. Ye found the Pin in the Potter Vault, correct?"

"Yes, sir," Harry answered.

"My dear laddie, stop calling me 'sir'!" Gryffindor frowned. "Now, ye have received the location of me castle from the Pin?"

"Yes, we did," Ginny answered.

"Ah! Ye are bonded, aye?" smiled Gryffindor.

"Yes," Harry smiled as he looked at Ginny.

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