Chapter Twelve

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The palace made Asher uncomfortable.

Being raised among houses made of the earth and stacked on top of each other, the soaring ceilings and remarkably lonely and vacant feeling that seeped through the walls made the place almost unbearable.

His worn boots made no sound on the single carpet that ran the length of the never-ending hall. Tugging at the collar of the stuffy suit he had been shoved into, he gave a nod to the guards standing next to two obscenely large wooden doors. Without a word, they pushed the doors open, ushering him inside.

The room beyond was entirely made up of nothing but bookshelves and a few well placed, floor to ceiling windows. Despite the circumstances, Asher still couldn't help but feel impressed by the immensity of the royal library. It really was something to behold. Gliding ladders on tracks used to reach shelves taller than any man. A second-floor wound around the room, housing yet more shelves, the bannister edge on the second floor gave it all a more open feeling to a room that could have easily been dark and musty. Tables were scattered throughout the stacks, but the largest one took up most of the central space, and it was entirely covered in a single map of Zephyr. An impressive thing filled with flourishing calligraphy that made it hard to read, and exquisite paintings of airships and creatures found in different parts of the world.

Asher passed by it without a second glance. Instead, he steered towards the heated debate that ruined the quiet atmosphere demanded by most other libraries he knew of.

Rounding a corner he found another table, this one littered in books and fountain pens and inkwells. Stained papers were shoved in between pages filled with cramped handwriting and hasty sketches. Several tea trays had been shoved precariously to one end. Gathered around the table were Alexi and Zelos, both bent low over a massive tomb being propped up by a stack of books.

"... it says here that the Sun Immortal could heal –"

"Yes, but this is the only text to mention it. That doesn't give you enough proof, and in case you haven't heard the news, Sun has gone missing." Zelos collapsed in a conveniently placed chair, his lean fingers raking through his hair. Alexi grumbled incoherently but continued rifling through the massive book.

"Ah! Asher, you're a sight for sore eyes." Zelos' kind smile was directed at him, which he found himself returning with ease. "Maybe you could convince this old geezer to take a break for dinner. Father has kindly requested the party's presence, but it would seem that he could care less that his king calls for him."

Alexi gave a mocking smile.

"Zelos my boy, I am my own king with the sky as my domain. I answer to no one." He gave a flourished bow that had both boys shaking their heads.

"Why do I even bother?" Zelos grumbled as he pushed himself out of his chair.

"Brave of you to say such a thing Alexi when we all know you pay taxes."

Everyone spun at the sound that sweet voice they all had been desperately hoping to hear again.

"Narah!" Zelos, being the closest to her, reached her first. Scooping her up in a friendly hug he gave her a spin which made her laugh.

"Out of the way boy," Alexi shoved the prince aside to give Narah a death gripping hug that made her wince. Asher released a small smile along with a breath of relief as he looked her over. Fresh out of a bath she looked better than she had in days. Though he hardly recognized her. She wore a fine dress of cream and baby blue, probably made of silk. Easily worth their house and shop back home. Her hair was piled up in a fashionable circle of curls. She had help. He mused seeing that there wasn't a single stray hairpin and it didn't look like it was about to fall apart with the slightest breeze. His chest felt lighter as he watched her chat with the other two. She was fine. She was here.

"So your own brother doesn't get a hug?" He called out, breaking the conversation. She turned to him with such a look of happiness and peace that his earlier mantra solidified in his brain. Tucking herself under his arm he felt her relax into him. He gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Well, this is wonderful!" Alexi declared. "What a perfect surprise for dinner tonight. Won't everyone else be thrilled? I'll go gather everyone else. Meet you in the dining hall!"

"So now he's going to dinner," Zelos rolled his eyes as they watched the redhead dart off.

As the three made their way through the palace halls, Asher kept a wary eye on his sister.

"How are you feeling? Honestly? Any pain, anywhere?" He asked, unable to keep the worry from reaching his voice. She gave him one of those, kind-yet-slightly-irritated looks.

"I'm fine Asher. I've already told you several times over. The wound has begun to itch, which means it's mending well. And the only thing paining me is a slight headache that will go away with a good cup of tea."

"I'm sure we can arrange to have some sent to your room later this evening if you'd like," Zelos chimed in from her other side. "I can't promise it'll match up to your brother's, but it should help with the headache regardless."

She didn't get a chance to thank him when they stopped in front of another set of large doors. 

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