Chapter Sixteen

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The world could have burned down around him, and Waylen would have cared less. His entire being was focused on glowering at the ivory invitation that had been delivered a few moments earlier.

He'd been busy getting dressed when there was a knock on the door. He opened it to his twin leaning against the door, twirling a piece of paper in between his fingers.

"Guess what father's done now," Zelos had that snarky grin that made him stiffen.

"Something I'm probably going to hate," He turned away, leaving the door open as he finished buttoning his shirtsleeve.

"Oh definitely. He's decided to throw a 'small' party due to the return of his sons from their successful mission. Which means the whole upper ring has been invited."

Waylen snorted as he shrugged on a vest. "It wasn't really a success seeing as we didn't actually meet the objective."

"Minor details. Point is, he also invited the rest of the crew."

Waylen caught a worry line in his brother's face.

"Do you think they'll be okay? It's a court affair, this is not the same as the ship or the tiny coming of age party that we did. It's a completely different world."

Zelos hummed thoughtfully to himself as he settled atop his brother's desk, completely disregarding the official papers scattered across it.

"We could arrange an escort of sorts. A friend if you will,"

Waylen shot him a cautious look as he carefully pulled the papers away and stacked them up neatly.

"And I suppose you know who this friend should be?" Waylen wasn't at all comfortable with the smirk Zelos was giving him. "I'm not going to like this am I?"

"Only because you're impossibly thick-headed and you make it a point to hold a grudge longer than even the old coons that have nothing better to do with their lives, am I going to enjoy this."

Waylen's face shut down like a closed door.

"You're not serious." He groaned.

Zelos' grin grew wider as he slid off the table.

"Shall I arrange it?"

"Is there really no one else?"

"She's perfect. And honestly, I think Narah could use a friend who knows what it's like to be a little bit different."

Waylen groaned but didn't object any further.

"You know, one of these days this whole, you refusing to even acknowledge her is really going to bite your ass. And you know what? I can't wait to see it."

"Get the hell out!" Waylen chucked a letter opener. Zelos openly laughed as he dodged it on his way out of the room and slipped down the hall.

Waylen forced a breath out long and slow, trying to dislodge the uncomfortable feeling in his chest. But it was persistent.

Glancing at the massive pile of papers that demanded his attention, he stalked out of the room, following his brother's footsteps. Only his diverged down a less used hall and into a seemingly abandoned room.

As he moved into the space, his shoulders relaxed, his hands fell out of his pockets and breathing came easier. The world seemed to melt away in that empty room. The dying sun looked even more sickly through the off-white sheers, but he ignored it for the moment. Instead, his fingers slipped around the cool neck of finely crafted wood. His pulse steadied as he drew the violin out of its case, tucking it gently under his chin, he drew the first notes out slowly and softly. Testing the tuning, making small adjustments before she sang the way he wanted. Her voice was as familiar to him as his own. And it was the voice he used when he couldn't use his own.

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