Part 3

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Ed's POV

I need to go check on my girls they are in the kitchen laughing their heads off and I need to make sure I get my chocolate covered raisins lol.

Ed: I'm going to check on Molls and Nick

Liz: They are being so loud

Jeremy: it's nice to hear molly happy again

Liz: I know she has been so lost without Nick and keeping all of Nick's stuff in her room couldn't have helped.

Liz's POV

Jeremy was right, Molly was so lost without Nick and she must have been lost without all of us too. I know for a fact that she was not in a good place when I found her maybe I need to try some trust things to get Nick to trust us so maybe she will open up to us. I don't know if she will Nick is one to keep to herself. Sometimes I know it's best to let out the anger and sadness. I just had an idea, what if I could get Ed to make the smashing thing again with other things that are unneeded in out house and Nick can smash them to get her anger or sadness out or even stress.

Molly and Nick come back in with the snacks

Ed: where's my chocolate lol

Molly and Nick: We couldn't find any

Ed: It's under the cabinet which has the juices in

Nick: Ohhh yeah sorry I'm still figuring this house out

Jeremy: Nick you didn't know because you haven't been here for ages but Molls you should have known you have always lived here

Liz and Ed: JEREMY!!!

Jeremy: What?

Molly: Nick it's okay Jeremy is just being mean.

Nick: No, no, it's okay I'm fine

Nick runs up the stairs and they hear a lock

Mollys's POV

Omg nick was so upset u need to go see if she is okay. Jeremy can be such a jerk.

Molly: Mom, Dad, Jeremy I'm going upstairs to check on Nick

Jeremy: Molls I didn't mean to upset her it was only supposed to be a joke

I completely ignore him and run upstairs.

Jeremy's POV

Oh no! I'm in trouble. I can feel it. I didn't mean to upset her really it was just a joke because nick said she didn't know because she is still figuring out the house but molly has always been a part of this family Nick has just recently joined our family again we have only know her for two years. I know it feels like she has been a part for much longer she hasn't and that's the truth there is no getting away from that I do feel bad though maybe it was a bit much for her to handle at the minute.

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