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***I do not own any rights to any marvel characters or any plot used from the any movie or show. I have added my own plot mixed in with the already existing plot marvel has created along with my own original character. 

Hello Loki simps. I'm hoping I have met my target audience. I just randomly came up with this idea after episode 2 of LOKI and am doing this for fun. I hope you enjoy!

I would also love to hear your thoughts or what you liked about it! Thank you so much for reading!

Chapter 1

My name is Alora Marelve and I'm dead; At least according to the new time line that is. One day I was leading my regular life, then all of a sudden I'm here, at the TVA. I was erased from my timeline by a variant that they've been trying to catch for who knows how long; time passes differently here. So now I'm stuck in this limbo until we can find out how to get me back in my timeline.

They've given me a place to live, but I spend my days in the libraries scouring every file I can until I find something that will lead me to the variant, or at least a hint in the right direction. I've been assigned a handler, Mobius. He's been a friend, which is more than I can say for most people around this place. He seems to actually care about my situation and wants to help me unlike the others who just go about their work like mindless drones.

I'm off in a quiet corner of the library when I hear chatter stirring. Something seems to be causing a commotion. Curious, I listen into a conversation that two girls are having on the other side of the shelf.

"They caught a new variant." One girl says. "His name is Loki."

I perk up at this. He may have information on how to catch the variant we've been looking for.

"He's headed to the courtroom for his hearing now. Some girls say he's quite good looking." She finishes as the two of them giggle.

I hastily grab the papers laying all over the desk and stuff them into their folders and head towards the courtroom.

"Shoot!" I say under my breath as I see Mobius slide silently into a seat. He will have a cow if he sees me in here. He's afraid I'm focusing too much on this variant case and has been trying to get me to "take a load off" or "go have some fun." I quietly sneak into the back row several seats behind Mobius, hoping he won't notice. I look to the front of the court room taking in the tall, dark haired figure in front of me. I curse myself for lingering a bit too long on his arms which are perfectly lean and muscular. They've put the collar on him, making his powers useless. I wonder if he's figured that out yet.

"How do you plead?" The judge asks. Loki lets out a laugh before replying.

"A god doesn't plead, Madam. This has been fun, but I'd like to go home now." Me too! I think to myself. The judge lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Are you guilty or not guilty?"

"Guilty of being a god of mischief." Loki smiles.

My eyebrows raise, not being able to believe what I'm hearing right now. The ego he has while awaiting his fate.

"I have committed no crime. I believe who you are truly looking for would be the Avengers. Their little crusade is how I came into possession of the tesseract, so really they're the ones to blame." I can feel his confidence from here.

"We aren't here to discuss the Avengers. What they did, was meant to happen. Your escape was not. Guilty or not guilty?" The judge asks again, her tone showing her impatience.

"Guilty of this." Loki extends his arms out to his sides and moves his body as if he's using magic, but nothing is happening. He tries again; nothing. The guards start to laugh and I have to bite my lip trying to hold back my smile.

"Give me a moment." Loki huffs.

"What is this?" The judge asks unamused.

"He's trying to use his powers ma'am." The head guard laughs out.

Now frustrated, Loki bangs the metal stand around him.

"Why won't it work?"

"Magic powers are no good in the TVA. You're found guilty and sentenced to be reset." The gavel meets the desk with a bang.

No! I think to myself. The guards go to grab Loki and the word flies from my mouth before fully thinking my plan through.

"WAIT!" The guards cease and all eyes turn towards me, including the disappointed, yet unsurprised look on Mobius's face and the curious look on Loki's.

I hesitantly stand up holding my hands crossed in front of me hoping they won't notice my nerves.

"I remember Loki from my timeline. The attack on New York, I was there."

Loki's eyebrows raise surely wondering where I'm headed with this.

"Continue." The judge waves a hand at me.

"He is a trickster, no doubt, which is why I think he could help track down the Variant we have been unable to find any clues on." I try to remind them that we have gotten nowhere, even with all the resources they have at their disposal, literal time!

"You think he could truly help us, that he would help us? She asks.

"I do. If it's being reset or helping us—I look directly at Loki now, his eyes connecting with mine, I'm sure you'd prefer the latter." The corner of his mouth forms an amused smile.

"It's settled then. You will be responsible for Loki and any information he provides; Mobius will oversee the mission. Dismissed."

I walk over to Loki, meeting Mobius there.

"And who might you be?" Loki stares down at me with a sly smile.

"Alora, the girl that just saved your arse." 

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