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Chapter 8


I stand there watching Alora as she walks away from me when all of a sudden the elevator doors open, revealing a beast known as a Kilveran. She freezes in her spot at the sight of its big, fur lined body, horns protruding from its head, and hooved feet big enough to crush you. The creature bursts forwards, it's axe prepared to slice through anything in its way. Alora stands in place seeming unable to move from shock. I rush towards her grabbing her out of the way right as the Kilveran swings its weapon.

We land on the hard floor before I help her up, taking us to a small nook in a wall to hide. Our bodies are squeezed together in the small space and I can practically hear her heart racing.

I lift my finger up to my lips, telling her to stay quiet.

"Kilverans are blind, they hunt by sound." I whisper to her.

The beast turns around on its big hooved feet and takes a blind swing through the air, it's axe colliding with the wall right above us raining debris down. I cover Alora's body with my own, shielding her.

I lean back, placing my hands on her shoulders and look in her golden brown eyes.

She looks right back into mine with terror and panic.

"When I tell you to, I need you to run!" I say to her hoping she is out of the shock enough to hear me.

"Wha—-what about you?" I feel her body tremble.

"I'm going to distract the Kilveran, then kill it!"

"But you're magic—-it doesn't work here! How—-"

"I'll be fine." I interrupt.

I peer out from behind the wall to see the creature walking back towards the elevator.

"Okay, ready?" I ask, smiling to reassure her.

"Yes!" She states with confidence even though her body language conveys anything but.

"Run!" I step out into the hall waving my arms and yelling to get the creatures attention!

"Hey, over here you ugly mutt." The creature halts, turning around slowly. I look back behind me to see Alora gone. Good!

The Kilveran and I now face each other, my smile turning wicked as I run towards it.

The sound of hooves echoes off the walls as it charges me. I slide beneath its legs as it's axe finds the spot where I just stood. I stand up, now behind the beast while it tries to dig it's weapon out of the slick floors.

My grin falters when I see Alora run out into the hallway. The beast stops it's prying to look in her direction. She takes a deep breath, then the Kilveran bulls towards her, leaving it's axe behind.

"ALORA!" I shout, willing my feet forward.

Just as it's horns are about to collide with her small body, she closes her eyes when the familiar yellow door frame pops up, the beast running into it, disappearing into time.

I skid to a stop in front of it, my breathing heavy as I take in what just happened!

Alora presses a button on a small device, the portal disappearing, trapping the beast.

Alora opens her eyes to look at me, a slow smile forming on her lips.

I let out a laugh of relief, placing a hand over my heart trying to gain back my breath as I smile back at her.

"Well done!"

Just before she's about to speak, the hall is flooded with hunters coming to a circle around us, weapons pointed. Hunter B-15 walks to the front of the pack.

"You two are under arrest for using a time travel device without warrant! Take them."


Before I can even get a word out, a hunter grabs me roughly, yanking my arms behind my back.

"Now hang on a minute." Loki's voice is stern as he points at the guard who handcuffs me.

"I would remain quiet if I were you." Hunter B-15 says to Loki as she cuffs him next, a smile on her face.

Loki and I share a brief moment of concern before we are hauled off to the court room.

"Alora Marelve and Loki Laufeyson, you have been found guilty of using a time portal without the permission of a superior. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty." Mobius shouts from the back as he bursts through the doors.

"Your honor, these two kept that beast from killing anymore people and preventing it from causing further destruction."

The judge seems to consider Mobius's plea for a moment.

"How do we know that Loki wasn't the one responsible for the beast's intrusion in the first place. He is a trickster after all." The judge queries.

"If I may speak, your honor." My voice coming out smaller than intended.

She nods at me to continue.

"Loki could have easily overpowered me and taken the portal to any time he wished, but he didn't. He risked himself to help fight a beast that could've destroyed this whole place. To me, this seems like the work of the Variant we've been looking for."

She looks at me and I can see her contemplating what to do next.

"May I remind you, these two are the only ones who have gotten us closer to the variant than we've gotten in a long time." Mobius adds.

The silence that follows leaves me unable to breathe. 

"I have taken into consideration, the information you have provided and find you both not guilty." She bangs the gavel down as a dismissal, Hunter B-15 looking anything but happy at the proclamation.

I let out a breath of relief as we are uncuffed. Loki looks at me with a proud grin then gives me a wink before we leave the court room with Mobius.

The three of us stand, staring at the giant axe that's wedged into the floor.

"A souvenir, if you will." Loki smiles at Mobius who is not amused.

"Why do we think the variant sent the beast and for what purpose?" Mobius asks.

"I have no idea and I'd rather have some food in me before finding out. You---" I point my finger at Mobius. "Owe me lunch." I finish as I walk past him to go to the dining hall.

"What am I? chopped liver?" Loki asks looking offended.

Mobius waves Loki forward as he follows behind me.

"Come on, I'll get your lunch too." 

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