The Night Everything Changed

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Tonight im going to dinner with my friends Rudy, Andy, and Ollie I don't really have any girlfriends I mean millie but she's fucking weird so I don't hang with her that much.

"Hey, Louise sweetie ya want some dinner?" My mom came in and asked me.

"No mom I'm going out tonight remember I told u this last night?" I looked at her in my doorway she shook her head and said 

"Alright but ill save you a plate just in case your hungry after." She walked out, my mom's stupid sometimes like I'm really not gonna be hungry after I eat.

I put on a t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops I then put on mascara ad texted the group chat that I was ready. 

I went outside after I said goodbye to my parents 

"Hey, Louise!" Andy and ollie say at the same time

"What's up guys are we meeting Rudy there or what?" I asked them 

"No, we are just gonna meet them there," Andy told me  and we just walked 2 blocks to the restaurant 

I saw rudy standing outside the restaurant so I yelled from down the street

"Hey rudy!" he turned his head around  and waved at us 

we went in, sat down, and ate as we were talking I got a text from tina that mom is flipping shit because she found weed in my room and to come home now 

"shit guys I gotta go my mom found some shit in my bed." I threw a 20 dollar bill on the table and ran home I'm so fucked I can't believe that she snooped what the fu-

"Hey sexy" Some random old man wisped in my ear after he grabbed me and pulled me in the alley way 

"GET TH-" I tried to yell put he put his hand around my mouth 

"Sh sh sh just be quiet and nothing will happen" He put something hard and metal behind my back 

"ill kill you if you try anything now I'm gonna fuck you" He put his hand in the front of my pants I'm trying to scream and kick tears are streaming down my face 

"It's alright baby your gonna like this." I kick him in his balls and try to get free but everything went black.

someone was shaking me away  when I looked up it was too sunny and I didn't know who was

I faintly hear her talking "Her clothes are ripped up she's bleeding and half-naked I think she was attacked im trying to wake her up" I can't keep myself awake I faint again.

When I wake back up im in an ambulance try to get up but someone holds me down

"What is going on" I yell 

"Calm down your alright now," some random lady says to me 

"my parents I want my mom," I tell her balling my eyes out 

"I know sweetie what's your name," she tells me holding my hand 

"Louise belcher" I choke out 

"Ok, Louise what's your mom's name and phone number? if you can tell me" she tells me i look up at her and hs smiling

"kinda 987-324-1836" I tell her crying 

"Ok, im gonna call her alright." She picks up the phone and called er my mom picks up on the first ring I can hear her on the phone screaming and tell my dad to get the car and that someone found her when we arrived at the hospital the wheeled me into room 3 mins after I was in the room while the doctors were examing me my family walked in. My mom came to my side and hugged me my dad was crying and my brother and sister had faces white as snow.

"Im sorry." I cried to my parents 

"no it's not your fault what happened honey," my mom asked, 

"I don't know but I was hurt," I told her balling 

"Who hurt you?" my dad's face was bright red 

"A guy he touched me." I winced at telling him that when the two police detectives came in the room she asked my siblings to go wait in the waiting room 

"Louise we think you were raped,"  she told me her face was blank but I could tell she was upset I just started crying and my parents hugged me and just held me 

"can you tell us what happen?"  the deteives ask me and I don't know how t respond I don't wanna tell my parents exactly what happened.

"maybe it would be better if parents were out of the room." The detective looked at my parents 

"Louise is that ok with you?" My dad asked me and I shook my head yes 

"Alright honey we will be right outside." my mom rubbed my hand and walked out 

"Take your time." She came next to me with her notepad 

"I was running home from dinner with my friends because my sister texted me and told me that my mom found something in my room and I was in trouble, then when I was running someone grabbed me." I took a breath trying to hold back tears 

"Do you remember what he smelled or looked like?" she looked at me and was very sincere

"I didn't see his face but he whispered in my ear and he smelled like an old man  he way like 5'10 or 6'0 I'm not sure I just felt him up against my back," I told her she shook her head and wrote it down 

"After he grabbed me he whispered in my ear "hey sexy" then he rubbed up against me I tried to scream but he covered my mouth and then he." I took deep breaths tears were already streaming down my face.

"Then he put his hand in my pants then I kicked him in his balls and blacked out that's all I remember." I looked up at her and asked, "are we done now?" 

"I have a few more questions but you can come down the station some other day we need to get you a rape kit and-" I cut her off after she said that 

"Whats a rape kit?" I asked her 

"They basically examine you take swabs it's invasive but can help with catching this asshole." She tells me 

"ok," I tell her I'm defeated and I hurt. 

"Ok, you were so strong and brave thank you we are going to do everything we can to catch him." She tells me and walks out. I'm so tired and hurt I just want this bitch in jail i feel like such a pussy, he took my virginity away, i was a virgin before everyone's gonna think I'm a slut and a pussy. 

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