chapter two:reunion

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Athena giggled in excitement at the large amount of organized stacks of money she had just acquired.if her math was right then she had around two-point-three grand on her hands, which was always welcome since money was needed to live.

*"wake up! wake up! wake up! wake up! uooh get up get up" the automated yet extremely melodic voice of Athena's phone sang the wake up alarm sounding in full force.athena picked up the phone and looked at the clock on its screen 'huh?' she thought in pleasant surprise 'didnt know i was up that long,man.' she placed her phone on the charger and decided to do her morning routine because wow did she wreak!

did her normal routine which was brushing her teeth,showering and making something to eat before watching the morning there she was eating some freshly made pizza rolls while watching her daily dose of my hero academia which was showing the battle between lady nagant and the main character deku.

"c'mon nagant kick his ass!" Athena cheered,her mouth full of pizza roll, as the green clad protagonist dodged another bullet. "oh come on!" she then swallowed her food and smiled.boy did she love cartoons and anime, they were the catalysts for so many of Athena's memories with her sibl-no her little sisters and herself.

 she looked at her lags and saw the phantom images of her little sisters sitting in their pajamas with bowls of cereal in the hands laughing as Artemis once again made a dumb joke.she saw her mother off to the right sitting on the couch with her admonishing Artemis for her bad behavior which just made the girl in question tell more bad jokes.

'what happened?' Athena wondered before having a splitting headache along with voices screaming at her.

'worthless! that THING isnt my daughter!'

'you monster!'

'go away you imposter!'

'people like you are nothing but gravel! get away!'

she felt the pain of being burned alive, she felt the stone to her head, the knife to her heart she felt all the pain from those assaults and attempts on her life but those didnt hurt as much as- tears came from her eyes,ones filled with rage a rage born from she was just mad, mad at her family for choosing that damn fake over herself.she was mad at her fat-no she was mad at richards for leaving them, she was mad at her mom for raising someone else's children instead of being with her own.

the list went on. 

she needed to let out her anger,taking deep breaths and counting wasnt exactly working right now, but she couldnt let out her anger here.too many witnesses and flammable stuff but she could growl.

"damn bastards!" she said her growls gradually becoming tears.she longed for those times where they were a family,together,a unit but now she was a broken gear in a much larger more uncaring machine.her mind then began to sink into its more darker thoughts but she put a stop to that by reminding herself that she needed to train 

she placed some tin foil over the still hot pizza rolls and put them in the oven.she could worry about food later, right now she needed to expel her anger but she had to take care of her skin suit.

she quickly went to her room and began sifting around under her bed until she found the skin suit she mainly used for her vigilante escapades the one she made in the image of makima from the chainsaw man series.

"talk about skinning a cat!" athena remarked with a raised eyebrow as she scanned her work over. "i still dont know why i thought this was a good idea."

back when Athena was eighteen and just starting to her vigilante identity together and getting familiar through experimentation with her newly manifested of these experiments resulted in the creation of a power that allowed the user to wear someones appearance like a suit, the side effect of this power was that it felt so weird and that she needed people to get appearances from.she over came this by using clones and using various powers to change the clones appearances drasticly, like swapping genders.

the lost oneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora