It was because of your clean smell (SakuKage)

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I could not get this short drabble/idea out of my head, so enjoy it
Omegaverse, A/B/O AU


Sakusa could not imagine, in his whole life, that there was going to be a day where he didn't want to take a shower.

As an alpha, he had a good sense of smell (obviously) so he knew just how strong the smells were. There was the rough, masculine smell of alphas. Then there were the sweet, soft smells of omegas. In that combination was the subtle, refreshing smell of betas. When all of that was put together, it was...repulsing. Of course, Sakusa doesn't mean that in a bad way (sort of) but it was all too much for Sakusa. All the smells together felt...dirty.

Whenever Sakusa takes a whiff of the combinations, he can feel shivers run up his arm and down his neck. They made him want to take a shower even more than he usually would. They made him feel just as dirty. The combinations usually would melt together as time went on, but that didn't mean it still didn't smell weird for Sakusa.

Out of all the genders, he liked the smell of betas the best. They were a refreshing break. Compared to the rough smell of alphas and the sweet of omegas, the betas were like a new spring rain. It was the water in the desert. It was clean. Alphas and omegas of course had their own appeal, but they could never replace the scent of betas.

So peg him surprised when he met Kageyama Tobio (and it was not from the fact that the boy called him "average"...ok fine but just a little bit). Kageyama was an omega, but he wasn't at the same time.

He wasn't small like omegas; he was visibly tall, just ending at Sakusa's chin (he did not think about how Kageyama could fit perfectly into his arms if he tried).

Kageyama wasn't soft and delicate; he had a toned and trained body even if it was lithe and his personality definitely wasn't soft, instead being blunt, awkward, and passionate (not saying omegas couldn't, just it wasn't expected but things are changing he guesses).

Kageyama didn't have that overwhelming candy shop smell either; he had...the smell of a beta. Okay, maybe not precisely, but it was similar. He had the smell of blueberries and snow with a hint of vanilla. Of course, like any other omega, there was that undertone of sweetness but Kageyama's smell was different. He smelt like a new beginning. The blueberries and vanilla accenting his original sweetness but also adding in his own uniqueness. The snow showing signs of restarting a new beginning, of erasing everything to start over through his own power. It was a smell that Sakusa could get addicted to.

But what had led to his situation at hand?

Well, that day, Kageyama had scented him.

Okay, maybe not officially but his scent was there either he wanted it to or not. It happened exactly after practice, exactly when he would usually go and take a shower. But he was held back because he was assigned to help clean the gym for that day.

With Kageyama.

He had wanted to get it done quickly so he and Kageyama said nothing but cleaning. His relationship with Kageyama had approved some. They could even be considered friends (but that didn't mean he had forgotten about the "average" thing), but they weren't close enough that Sakusa would be okay with Kageyama standing close to him, much less touching him. And yet when Kageyama tripped on something, Sakusa did not hesitate to reach out to grab him and pull him up before he fell. It's just, he used too much power and they ended up falling to the dirty, dirty floor.

Normally, Sakusa would've pushed the person off but he hesitated with Kageyama. He didn't know why - maybe it was the touch of his skin on Sakusa's that he didn't find dirty, or maybe it was just his scent, or maybe it was the fact that throughout the training camp, he got to see so many sides to Kageyama. Point is, he didn't know why.

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