you promised... (Angst, just a lot of angst)

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yeah...this is a drastic change from the previous oneshot hahaa :')
This takes place during the Brazil arc btw!! (yea, i used that to my full advantage)

also a little extra note: throughout writing this, i was listening to the song "Goodnight Sweet Possums" from the Ice Age movie and I know that sounds weird but it really got me in the mood. I lowkey would kinda recommend listening while reading this (specifically the 1 hour loop bc this song is very short), but some people it might not really match with the mood. I'll explain it further in the end notes if you're interested!!

but anyway, enjoy me hurting him


"Just wait, Kageyama! I'll go to Brazil and become strong, the strongest! So wait for me! I'll come back as the best ace, and you'll be mine again, I promise!"


Tobio remembers that memory on a daily basis. It's the only thing he can do when Shouyou - his boyfriend, his ace, his world, his sun - is on the other side of the world.

Ever since their high school graduation, Shouyou's always been somewhere Tobio can't reach. But that doesn't mean Tobio doesn't support Shouyou. Tobio knows that in order for them both to play again, for them to stand side by side and ensure that they're on top of the volleyball world, Shouyou has to grow by himself. And Tobio knows that, so he waits.

But that doesn't mean each day isn't lonely.

Whenever Tobio gets up in the morning, and the only sun to shine down on him is the one in the sky, he gets reminded of his own personal sun.

When Tobio plays volleyball, he's reminded of how Shouyou was always at his side, always assured that even if no one else is there to hit his ball, Shouyou will always be there.

Whenever he walks through parks or visits cafes and movie theaters, he remembers the times where Shouyou and him had no care in the world and would always just fool around, embracing the time they had together like it was their last.

Everything Tobio did, it had memories of Shouyou attached. Shouyou had planted himself so deep into Tobio's heart that every little thing Tobio encountered was stained with Shouyou's presence.

So now that he's alone, in a place where it seemed like he and Shouyou had dominated everything there, he can't help but feel lonely. It didn't feel right, now that Shouyou wasn't here next to him.

But Tobio knows Shouyou will come back, stronger and brighter than ever, so he waits.

Yet, with each day, he feels the piece of him which is missing grows bigger. Volleyball had always been that piece, and Tobio didn't know when Shouyou had wormed his way to replace it. Quite honestly, it seemed like Shouyou was his soulmate, his destiny and his fate. And with each day that passed without him, Tobio felt lost. He was never going to stop his own path and pursuit, but it felt nice when Shouyou was by his side, helping him.

And so, eventually, he reached the point of helplessness and bought himself a ticket to Brazil. It had been brash, sure, but when he was confronted by his own teammates and his second family (Karasuno), he broke down and told them. He told him of how they had planned for this, how they were prepared for the upcoming longings in their hearts, and how they would try and stay strong...but he wasn't prepared for how hard it would hit.

But even then, how could he go? How could he go and interrupt all the hard work Shouyou done? How could he be so selfish?

When he said that, that had earned him a slap from Suga-san.

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