Chapter 2

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In a newer indoor branch of a Mr. Smoothie's branch of Coolsville, Fred, Velma, and Daphne were sitting at a table with Ben, Gwen, and Kevin, having a bit of minor talk while Velma was also on her laptop she had with her.

Scooby and Shaggy barged into the building in a panic, looking around frantically. They booked it over to the table they were located at.

"LIKE, THE MYSTERY MACHINE!!!! IT'S AFTER US!!!!!" Shaggy yelped

"My van????" Fred questions

Scooby and Shaggy nodded.

"Scoob and I were just walking along, minding our own business and then it tried to run us over and there was no one driving!!!!" Shaggy stated

Gwen sighed.

"You've gotta be kidding me, Shaggy, there's no way that could possibly happen after I put that repellent spell on the thing." Gwen comments

"I don't know Gwen, maybe I had left the parking brake off." Fred comments

"Parking brake??!?!??!??" Shaggy questions. "Now way, man!!!! That thing was alive!!! And there was this creepy green glow and scary music playing off the radio! Come on, i'll show you!!!!"

However, when they got outside, the Mystery Machine was perfectly fine. No sign of it being alive or anything.

" was alive!!!!!" Shaggy states

"What a joker." Velma comments

"Very funny, Shaggy." Daphne added sarcastically

Fred, Velma, and Daphne walked over to the Mystery Machine while Ben, Gwen, and Kevin walked over to Kevin's car.

As Fred opened the driver's side door of the Mystery Machine, he looked at Scooby and Shaggy and said, "Come on, you two, it's getting late. We gotta get back to that hotel in Bellwood in time for the Hex Girls' concert next week."

Scooby and Shaggy looked at each other before climbing into the back of the Mystery Machine.

While on the way to Bellwood, suddenly, the Mystery Machine's headlights turned green and it gave off an eerie green glow under the van's actual base as it countinued driving. Kevin's voice came on over a connected speaker.

"Hey, blondie, what's up with your van giving off that green light??" Kevin questions

"I'm not sure." Fred answers, trying to make a turn but the steering wheel being stuck. "THe steering wheel won't budge!!!"

"Hit the brakes, Freddy!!!!" Daphne shouts

Fred tried to hit the brakes but they wouldn't work.

"They aren't working either!!!" Fred states

"Zoinks!!!!" Shaggy yelped, pointing out the windshield. "Look!!!!"

Everyone took a look and saw they were heading RIGHT FOR A CEMENT WALL!

"Kevin, do something before they crash!!!" Gwen called out

"One Mystery Machine stopping trick comin' right up!" Kevin comments, flicking a couple switches on his car's dashboard

After he hit the switches, a couple of grappling hook launchers popped out of the side of Kevin's car and aimed, firing and the hooks clinging onto the Mystery Machine's roof bars, and when Kevin hit the brakes, the grappling hooks caused the Mystery Machine to stop mere centimeters away from the cement wall, everyone sighing with relief and the eerie green glow and green headlights went away, the headlights returning to their normal state.

Ben, Gwen, and Kevin in It's Mean, It's Green, It's The Mystery Machine!Where stories live. Discover now