Move In

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I had finally gotten to my off day. I was very excited to move in. I spent all day moving things to the cave. Max had found a ring that held some blessed magic that let him walk in the daytime.

He had lived many many years before the boys. He once befriended a witch who made him the sun ring. She refused to give the recipe for the ring to him in case he created an army. She was slightly crazy.

He helped me move in since I was moving into his "apartment" above the shop. Mr. E was sadly too busy to help me. He had a couple of clients from a county over that needed their animals picked up.

When I got to the cave, I noticed that the smaller tunnel next to my room was lit up. No one ever used it because it was just a short tunnel. I walked into the lit space to find a new bathroom.

I had completely missed this new addition last time I was here. It was amazing. I had a tub, pot, and sink. It had a nice mirror with some battery powered lights hanging from it.

I hugged Max for his new addition to my living space. "Thank you so much. You've really taken care of me." Max had really become like a second father to me. In a way he reminded me of the kindness that Mr. E has shown me.

"The boys wanted something to work on the past few nights since you haven't been able to join them. They understood needing time with Mr. Emerson before moving out. I told them that you needed the bathroom and they hopped right on it." I walked around the new addition again just to take it all in.

We finally got all my things moved into the new space. After work and before, I had spent time getting things for my new room like posters, ranks for clothes, and a few new lamps because I didn't like how dusty the other ones were.

I had put all my new things in the "new apartment" above the shop. It only took us about three hours to move everything in. We hadn't started till about five in the evening. Max wanted to help me and that was the only time he could shut the shop down. He would open again when he was finished.

He left right after we got the last box inside. I had started organizing and decorating. I had a few Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, AC/DC, and Twisted Sister Posters to hang up. I stuck with the regular white bedding that was on it and the quits David put on the bed. I set out a new rug and the chairs with matching table. ~(The imagine above gives a good idea about the idea I had. I know the bathroom is newer than the 80s)~

I was finishing Hanging the mirror when I slipped off the chair I was standing on. The mirror stayed in place thankfully but I bounced my head off the rock floor. The pain in my head got bad then it went numb. My eyes started to close and then everything went black.

*Davids POV*

I woke up and made my way to Y/N's room. We had all gone to bed excited to see her fully moved in when we woke up. I opened the makeshift door to the room to find he laying on the floor.

I ran to her side and checked her breathing. She was breathing and her heart was beating. I lifted her into my lap when I felt something wet on the back of her head. Blood. There was a small amount on the floor.

I rushed her into her bathroom and laid her back on the floor. I took a rag and wet it. I cleaned up her wound which was slowly beginning to stop bleeding.

I took a towel and laid it on a pillow on her bed. I cleaned up all the blood I could off of her. I changed her into a new shirt then laid her on the bed. I was terribly worried. I heard the boys howling from the other end of the cave.

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