Chapter 6 - Brothers

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Greg and Susan spent two more days in Oakland visiting with family, both in the hospital and at home. The time visiting would have gone smoothly, except when they awoke on Wednesday morning, it was evident to Susan, Greg had had the troubling dream again. He was once again staring at the ceiling when she awoke.

"Good morning," Susan greeted her husband after kissing him on the cheek.

"Good morning, Susan." Greg turned to look at her. "Melody says 'good morning' too by the way."

Susan arched a brow at him. "You dreamed about her."

"I think ... I was visited by her. Apparently, she was tired of me not listening. This time she took my face in her hands and made me look at her," Greg explained.

Susan smiled. It was something their daughter did often enough during her life. She could easily imagine her doing it in Greg's dream.

"So did you listen?" Susan asked.

"I did," Greg said.

"What did she say?" Susan wondered.

"She says she is teaching family," Greg told her.

Susan regarded her husband with a start. "She is teaching family? What is she teaching them?"

"I am not certain, but I think perhaps it is how to appear in people's dreams," Greg shared tentatively.

"Did you also see Bernie? I mean, did you just dream of him? Or was he really visiting?"

"Yes, I did see him. I have been trying to make out if this was a memory or if he could have been visiting," Greg explained.

"What did you see?" Susan asked.

"He was sitting on the side of the hospital bed again, only this time he was dressed in his regular clothes, not the hospital gown he died in," Greg told her. "He also appeared completely healthy."

"Did he say anything?" Susan wondered.

"Not really. He seemed to be waiting for me to speak. From his expression, I don't think he was certain I could see him," Greg related.

Susan regarded her husband in surprise. "Melody never met Bernie. I didn't either, but I'm pretty sure that isn't relevant to this conversation or situation."

"I doubt it is," Greg agreed. "But you are right. Melody never met Bernie in this life."

"But they visited you together in your dream?" Susan asked.

"Not exactly. First, I was with Melody in our family room in Malibu where she was telling me about family. Then I was suddenly in New York, in the hospital room where Bernie died ... or perhaps more significantly the last place I saw him alive," Greg shared.

"But his appearance was different from the last time you saw him there," Susan suggested.

"It was," Greg insisted.

"Curious," Susan remarked.

"Indeed." Greg fully agreed.

The couple looked at one another for a minute or two.

"Pray about this, Greg. I will too. Let's figure out why Bernie might be coming to you," Susan told him.

"I don't think he should be coming to me," Greg replied with a frown. "Generally speaking, those who have passed on are confined to the heavens, even if they succeed."

"Even if they succeed? I would say especially if they succeed," Susan told him.

Greg nodded slowly. "Except for Melody. We know she is a messenger for the Lord. We've known that about her since before she was born, so I'm not surprised that she has continued to serve Him in that capacity now. But Bernie is not. If he was, surely he would say something to me."

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