Chapter Two

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How can i forgive myself?
What if something really terrible happend to Richy?
It's all my fault.i should stay away from all this.
No no no.Don't act like a loser.Michelle you are strong.
You have to be.
In the near future, everything would be okay.everyone safe and alive,the culprit in the jail.
It seemed impossible.
I should end this.
Sorry Hannah Donfort i couldn't find you.
Sorry Jake i have to disappoint you.
And sorry others,you believed in me but im coward.
Once my Grandfather told me that im not like the other girls.
When i was a child i didn't understand what he really meant.
"I bet in the future you won't wait for a prince charming with a white horse to take you to a will find a horse yourself and build your castle by your own hands."
I was so proud about what he said.I thought he mean I don't need a man who
will loves me.i will be happy without love.
But now i got it.
He truly meant that i can do anything i want and i don't have to wait for someone to make me happy.
Im not coward.He wanted me to know this.
I wish he was alive.he was the only person i can believe and tell my secrets to.
My phone buzzed.Multiple buzzes.
I opened it.
Jessy:im in the Junkyard.
Officers are there.
They let me inside
The asked me a few questions but then let me free.
Cleo is now online
Dan is now online
Cleo:what did they ask?
Jessy: nothing very important.
Why im here,Do I doubt anyone and blablabla
Cleo:and what did you answer?
Jessy:that im here to see if i can find anything,and i don't know who can do that to Richy.
Dan:did they find Richy?
Jessy: I don't think so.
Where is the others?
Jessy:hey are you okay?😕
Me:yeah thanks.
Jessy:Have you read our messages?
I gotta go then.
Everyone's now offline.
Waiting was so hard.i was tapping on my desk with my nails.
Lily is now online
Lily: Michelle
Lily:Jake sent me Richy's location.
We gave it to the officers so they'll find him soon.
Me:i hope so.
But what if..
Me: forget about it. no more negative thoughts.
Lily: okay then.i can't stay online for long time.they also want to ask us a few questions.
Me:if you want i can tell the others.
Lily: I'd be thankful.
Lily is now offline
The officers now have Richy's location.
They'll find him soon.
I wish too.
Me:i won't forgive myself
Jake is now online
Jake:but why?it wasn't even your fault.
Me:it was.of course it is.
Jake:i know how important he was to you.
Me:he was?you see!even you don't believe he is alive.
How can i forgive myself?
Jake: okay im sorry.i know how important he is to you. is it better now?
How can it be?can it change this situation?
Jake:Im sorry.if you want we can talk about something to distract you.
Me: nothing can keep me calm.
Just an alive Richy.
You know what?
We are criminals
Even more than Hannah's Kidnapper.
He killed Amy and kidnapped Hannah
And we caused them to be killed
and hurt.
Not just physically.
Finding Hannah was our Goal
But not at any cost.
Im Done with this all.
And you will just Say"we are so close to our goal."
Do you even care about me?
Richy and the others?
Or you just care about your half sister and yourself?
Jake:i can understand you.
You're sad and also mad at me.
Please calm down.
Of course i care about you and the others
You're right I've been so blind.
You have the right to be upset and angry.I totally understand.
I understand if you want to give up.But please hold on.Think that after finding the kidnapper, you can take revenge of all this time.
I controlled myself badly not to cry.i turned off my phone screen.
I heard buzz.i took a deep breath then i turn on my screen.
Jake: Michelle?are you Okay?
Me:sorry I'm not.
Okay I'll stay in this fucking investigation.
This time not because I'm curious,not because of Hannah or my feelings about you and the others.
Because i want to take a step further in this all.
Jake: that's great! what's your plan?
Me: I'm going to Duskwood.
And please don't try to dissuade me
Because this time I'm absolutely sure I have to go there.
And nothing else matters to me.

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