Chapter Seven

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I was scared.Damn it.
Jake came and stood in front of me to protect me,"Who the hell are you?"
If I had paid more attention, I would have definitely noticed who the person was.
The person came near.
Me and Jake were both surprised to see her.We both said at the same time"Lily!"
Lily smiled to us"Hello.Do not think that you are the only smart ones."
Jake turned to me"Did you tell her that..?"
"Now away.I didn't even tell my own family that im coming here so why should i tell Lily?"i said angrily.
"So how do you know we're here Lily?"Jake asked.
"Well brother,it wasn't too hard for me to figure it out.Michelle was so weird today."lily said.
No one knew what to say.Finally i said"let's go to my room."
Lily and Jake came with me.i closed the door and there was silence in the room too.
"Why you're so fucking quite?come one guys it's not a good time for being quite kids."i said.
"I know how awkward its but it is better to stay at my place."Lily said.
"What!Lily it's dangerous."Jake said.
"It's not a good time for invitations"I said half jokingly.
"You're here and it's more dangerous!look,if you stay at my place it's safer than motel,"
I thought for a second"I don't know.Jake what do you think?"
Lily and i both looked at him
"Why you're looking at me like this?Lily im sorry that we didn't tell you we are here.its so so dangerous even for you.thanks for inviting us.but we can't"Jake said.
"Look Jake if we stay with each other it's safer and i won't tell anyone i swear."
"Besides i think no one would suspect you to stay at you own sister's house.Its so simple."
Jake thought for a minute"Okay we will come".
Jake went to pack his things.Mine was packed with myself and there were me and Lily waiting in my room For him.
"You know,im mad that you didn't tell me you came here."Lily said with a mad face.
"Im so sorry Lily but i was Just so worry for Richy so i came here so soon and then Jake showed himself to me and..."i said.
"Wait you didn't know Jake was here?"
"Nah we met a few hours ago."
"Oh i think he came here with you."
"How did you find out im here?"
"It's a very long story and I'm not patient enough to tell it once for you and second for Jake. by the you suspect me that you did not tell me?"she said awkwardly.
I smiled to her"Of course not.We believe in you a lot but i had to be careful.if someone sees me with you then..."
Jake walked in with his heavy bag"Im ready."
While Me and Jake went to give back our keys to Ms.Walter Lily waited for us.
After that we met again in the parking lot.
"Let's go with my car.your Cars can remain here."
Before sitting in her car i checked my car again then we headed to Lily's place.
the way was really dark and scary and It was quite mid night when we reached her house.
Then Lily showed us our rooms and we went for sleep.
I had a good sleep and even though I slept late But I fell asleep soon and woke up fresh in the morning.
I looked at my cell phone , It was nine o'clock I made the bed and after refreshing, I left the room and went to the kitchen, where Lily and Jake were already waiting for me.
"Morning sweet siblings. it seems you had good time without me."i said mockingly.
"Morning Michelle."they said.
They got along well and i was happy for them.
Lily made breakfast.Lily said"my shift will start at 11."
"We know"Jake and I said at the same time.
Lily ignored us,"It'll end in the evening. at 16 and after that i have break up until 18 and I've to stay there from 18 to 23.Be comfortable while I'm not home and do whatever you want.Instead, tell me what clues you came up"
Jake and i exchanged looks,"Deal."
After eating and cleaning,Jake said"i think it's the time for an explanation Lily".
Lily said"Sure.everything started when..."
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