1• Late Night Practice

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Prompt : Kageyama and Hinata were practicing volleyball overtime as usual but they had an audience. An audience who is very impatient and just wants to go home.







And this is how we have Kageyama Tobio, a wild species chasing the human tangerine around the Karasuno gym hall at 9 pm. That's right, the two monster duo begged their captain to allow them to have extra practice for the upcoming match against the cats. And fortunately for them after the loss of their team in the previous garbage dumpster match, the captain agreed.

This would have been fine expect for the fact that there was another team member watching the two crows arguing with annoyance in his eyes. And who else would that be expect our famous 1st year, the salty beanpole.

At this time, Tsukishima would have reached home after a walk with Yamaguchi and would be resting peacefully. But nooo it seemed like God was mocking him as he had to experience this very annoying fight while babysitting the so called "king of the court."

Yes, you heard it right. Babysitting. Why would he have to do that you ask? Kageyama's parents had to take a trip out of the country for their job as they were very busy people. And of course! the Tsukishimas were in good relation with the king's family. So Akiteru being the kind angel he is , volunteered to take tare of Tobio until his parents came back.

It had been a week and Tsukishima couldn't stand it. Always having to buy milk for Kageyama everyday because the pampered king couldn't even think to have a meal without his precious milk. That was fine, a little irritating but fine. What he hated was the occasional late night practices the bratty duo did. He had to wait for minutes or sometimes even hours for them to finish and finally be able to go home.

And now this overly loud fight was the last straw. He couldn't bear it anymore.

"Stop. King, let's go home."

"Huhh?! I still have to perfect my new serve!"

" I don't care. I'm tired from the hellish practice today so if you two don't stop practicing right now, I'm going to leave you here and ban you from having milk this whole month." was said in a monotonous voice that bounced throughout the volleyball hall.

"..tch fine! I'm coming but you have to buy me an extra milk today!" replied Kageyama who was muttering curses at Shittyshima under his tongue which was audible.

"Ok, let's just go already."

It was 10:00 pm by the time they reached home because they had taken a trip to the coach Ukai's shop for the extra milk and they were scolded harshly scolded for being up this late. The blonde was fuming with anger now. Not only he had to tolerate the king's behaviour but now he was scolded for it too. He was in a foul mood so he decided to ignore the calls of the brunet.

"Stingyshima! Stingyshi-" the 'where are you?!' was left unspoken in the tense air as the milk lover saw how angry four eyes was. While the guy hadn't said anything, even he was able to tell the rage coming out from his boyfriend.

After a very embarrassing confession from a very red in the face setter and a shocked yet smug "yes" from the smirking middle blocker , the two had finally hit it off 5 months strong with little fights to no fights in the relationship all thanks to their lovely
senpais-little chaotic and big chaotic.

Seeing his lover actually angry for the first time since they had started dating, Kageyama was feeling a little guilty and didn't know how to make it up to him.

Despite dating for what would usually be considered a long time, the use of physical contact was lacking in the couple. The most they had done would be a peck in the lips as the egos of both boys didn't let them continue further.

So, Kageyama was hesitant and little nervous (though he would never admit it) when his normally quiet brain gave him a "you should hug the anger out of him!" guidance. The truth was that despite having trouble with expressing any other emotion than anger, the setter was a sucker for cheesy love films. Thus ,when the ridiculous thought came from the little inner voice from the back of his mind, he blamed it on that.

Nervously walking to the couch, the blushing brunet hugged his boyfriend. Well more like suffocated the poor guy in his chest while shouting "SO-SORRY FOR BEING A-ANNOYING OR WHATEVER" which was probably heard by the neighbours but the taller of two was way too shocked to care.

Slowly removing himself from the hug which was more like a chock hold with stiff movements from the shock, the sound of chuckles exited the blonde's mouth. "What's so funny?!" was asked by Kageyama who was blushing, embarrassed that he had done that and now the stupid jerk face was laughing at him!

"Nothing." came the reply and when the angry yet flustered volleyball lover was about to say god knows what and probably insult the middle blocker, Tsukishima had already pulled him to sit in the couch and started to cuddle him.

"You are cute when you act like this Tobio." was whispered by the smug bastard and Kageyama was way too gone from the swirling butterflies he got in his stomach from the bold action to retort back.

A genuine smile blooming in Tsukishima's face, he adjusted their positions so they were cuddling and laying down in the couch. "Sleep" was said in a such a soft and low voice that Kageyama could swear he had imagined it.

Snoring and small muttering filled the room as the two had fallen alseep with smiles in their faces, the anger long gone from blond.


   1000 words excluding this note.

I'm finally done with the first oneshot of the book! Took me like an hour and had to edit it too.

I'll try to update once a week , so if you liked the oneshot please vote and comment. I'm a comment reader so I'll probably be reading all of them lol😩🏃

Anygays, hope you liked it and have a nice day/afternoon/ night✨


                                             - Idonotknowu



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