•°•Kageyama Ship Headcannons P2•°•

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The part 2 of Kageyama headcannons which will feature the ship Hinakage. My first time writing any other ships than Tsukikage so I'm a little excited!

"Kageyama Headcannons" was originally supposed to be a one chapter thing where I wrote about a Kageyama ships but of course I got carried away and wrote way too much for a single ship so I decided to make it a series(kinda?).

In this series, I write about how I think Kageyama ships would've happened in cannon.



• Hinakage is the type of couple who are already dating without them even knowing, they practically do all the things couples do like watching the sunset while on their way home from school while hand holding (Hinata begged Kageyama for it), cuddling and sharing foods while hanging out in their homes, going to buy meat buns late in the night and getting scolded together from coach Ukai,etc.

• So when Hinata felt surreal, hot and sweaty on their daily walk home whilst their hands were in a lock making Kageyama look ethereal with the sunlight hitting on his face and one of those beautiful smile the raven showed rarely, Hinata was utterly confused but left it at him being hot from the bright sun though the sun seemed to dim on the said day.

• Kageyama started to notice these strange changes on the tangerine, increasing as the days flew by. First, it was Hinata telling Kageyama that he didn't want to hold hands anymore and Kageyama felt sad at the thought of them not holding hands again but would never admit it. Second, it was the faraway look on Hinata when ever they were practicing volleyball which was a little annoying but more concerning as the tangerine loved volleyball. Third, it was the stop of their little races to the club room, gym hall, etc and this was the last straw. Kageyama had to do something about this.

• With a very heavy heart but no choice, Kageyama went to his chaotic yet dear second year senpais, Tanaka-san and Noya-san for help regarding the middle blocker. Once Kageyama had spilled the beans of what was going on between him and Hinata the both senpais only snickered and told him it was a begining of puppy love after exclaiming a "I KNEW IT!!" , the raven was confused and had regretted ever asking them for advice.

• Sighing the boy had left the loud second year duo not wanting to hear any more of their teasings. He seriously had no luck at all. Cutting his asking for help idea, it had left him to no choice but to confront Hinata which Kageyama was never good at but this was way too big of a thing to let it slide just because of his poor interaction skills. So, the new confrontation idea arose after way too many mirror talk in the raven's house.

• The day had come. Today Kageyama was going to ask Hinata and make him confess why was he acting so weird. At the end of the day which was filled with the usual boring classes, amazing volleyball practice and milk, the duo was finally alone on their way home walking in an uncomfortable silence. Not wanting to wait any longer the raven blurted out a question which made Hinata panic. "Why are you being so quiet and also weird now days? You usually aren't like this boke."

• "What are you talking about Bakayama? I'm always like this!" came a response from Hinata who could be seen going pale. "Boke Hinata boke! This is what I was talking about! Look at you going pale, don't tell me you are sick and pretending not to be so you can come to school?! That's incredibly stupi-" the rest of Kageyama's rambling was interrupted with a yelled "I LIKE YOU! Like like you as a boy likes a girl, like as in I want to be with you, like I love you bakayama and that's why I wasn't like myself ok?! I already know you don't like me like that so it's oka-" again the rest of the smaller teen was cut off from the taller teen with a "Dumbass who told you I don't like like you?" because the boys couldn't communicate properly for gods sake.

• Another shocked "W H A T ?!" was shouted by Hinata and it was honestly more of a surprise how the people living there hadn't scolded them yet for being this loud. Kageyama who was now way too flustered decided he got his answer and began speedwalking to escape from this situation. Of course that didn't happen with a very determined Hinata chasing him and after a very long and embarrassing talk between them, the two had finally started going out.

• Dating didn't really change things between the two since they were already used to being touchy with each other. The more the days went past as them being a couple, the more they realised there wasn't really anything new to dating and them being friends expect kissing which first happened because of a excited Hinata who smooched Kageyama on the cheeks when they had told the volleyball team about their relationship after a week of them dating because the loud middle blocker couldn't keep secrets.

• The team wasn't really surprised when they announced their relationship, everyone had expected them to get together sooner or later. Though the kiss from Hinata leaving Kageyama a tomato red was amusing sight to behold for the team seeing as the younger boy wasn't the one to express his emotions easily. The chorus of congratulation and a finally from a certain blonde rang out the volleyball gym hall because the members were truly happy for their first year monster duo and a little bit because the days where Hinata distanced himself from Kageyama, living the poor raven confused and sad was no longer.

• Soon, these remarkable days flew by, those strange yet fun days turned into months and now it was expected for Hinata and Kageyama to be joined at the hip, wherever the one was the other always came. Before school, at school even at those small breaks between classes, after school and at practice. No matter what, they were always together, it had gotten to the point where everyone would worry when they weren't together. And though the couple did fight whether it be about volleyball or not, they were always lovey dovey the next day after all a measly fight was nothing a super romantic and cheesy date couldn't fix.

    (couldn't find Hinata giving  shocked Kageyama a cheek kiss)---------------------------------------------------------------------

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(couldn't find Hinata giving shocked Kageyama a cheek kiss)

1098 words excluding this! Wow it has been a while since I wrote over a 1000 words but I got too into the story hehe.

I also wanted to add something about Hinakage's first date but it was already over 1000+ words and only remembered about the first date after I finished so I got too lazy😔.

Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this! I'm not sure what ship part 3 will be featuring since I kinda want to write about Atsukage and Yamayama(yamakage/ YamaguchixKageyama) but it will be one of this ships.

Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon❤️

- Idonotknowu

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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