Chapter 2

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(Y/n) slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She actually had no clue where she was. All she remembered was trying to get out of the mansion and then...nothing. She jumped when the door opened. Ayato stepped inside the room, carrying a glass of what looked like water.

"You're awake."

"Ayato-kun...what happened?"

"You collapsed with a fever. You've been asleep for about three hours."

"Where am I?"

"My room. Reiji is still setting one up for you so until then, you can stay in here."

He stepped closer to her, handing her the glass of water. He sat next to her on the bed, his green eyes studying her closely. His non-existent heart began beating. She made him feel different than he should. Vampires weren't supposed to feel emotions towards any human. He wasn't supposed to love anyone but himself. Supposed to be completely conceited and better than anyone else. So why was this human girl making him feel like this? Making him feel like he wasn't good enough for her? He was used to getting any girl he wanted. So why did it feel like this girl was hard to get?

"Uh, thank you, Ayato-kun."

"Don't mention it. Now just lay down and rest. Can't have you dying of a fever."

Ayato pulled the blanket over her gently. He was avoiding her eyes as best as possible. It was hard. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes were an easy distraction from his thoughts. They were the perfect shade of (e/c). She smiled at him softly.

"Thank you, Ayato-kun."

"Yeah yeah. Just get some rest. You need it to get any better. I'd prefer your blood wasn't sickly. It's gross. Take care of yourself."

"Heh. Even though the reason is for yourself, thanks for worrying about me."

"Oh, please. Ore-sama wasn't worried much. Just didn't want such precious blood to go to waste."

(Y/n) giggled. Crappy reason but at least there was one person who cared that she was alright. It was kinda sweet really. Even though he was only doing it for himself.

Ayato heard her giggle. He thought it was adorable. The girl was driving him crazy. He could barely control himself at that moment. The girl's voice was hypnotising to his sensative ears. He turned and headed to the door. (Y/n) grabbed the end of his shirt. He looked at her.

"Don't go."
"Can you stay with me, Ayato-kun?"

A slight blush crossed her face. She never liked sleeping alone. However, she wasn't certain if he would think it pathetic of her.

"I don't want to be alone. I can't sleep by myself so please. Stay with me, Ayato-kun?"

He looked at her. She looked so vulnerable and sad. She must have been a very sheltered child. He debated with himself over the matter. With a sigh, he nodded.

"Fine. I'll stay with you for now. Just get some sleep. Humans need it to function."

She yawned, curling into his side. It was cold but somehow comforting to her feverish body. He prickled for a moment and put his arms around her. Her beautiful (e/c) orbs slipped closed as she began to relax in hid arms.

"Night night, Ayato-kun."
"Yeah. Sleep tight. (Y/n). Ore- sama will be here when you wake up. Get some rest."

Hesitantly, he kissed her forehead, stroking her (h/l)(h/c) locks gently. She sighed, leaning into his touch. She was so vulnerable while asleep. He could drain her now but for some reason, he wanted that to be romantic. Ewe. He was becoming a sap. What was happening to him?

The other five brothers sat in the living room. Subaru still wasn't so happy about (y/n) being there in the house. It was dangerous. Laito and Kanato looked around.

"Where is Ayato? I haven't seen him all day."
"I believe he's still upstairs with (y/n)."
"You know, I still find it strange that he's showing any kind of consideration to a human. He's the most conceited person anyone has ever met."
"That's true. At any rate, someone should go check on him. Make sure he's alive."
"I'm sure he is. He wouldn't die so easily."
"Laito, shut up and go check on him."
"Fine. Seeing as no one else has any intention of checking on him."

*Back Upstairs*
Ayato lay silently by (Y/n)'s side, watching as she slept soundly in his arms. She was so small and warm. Ayato brushed her hair back from her forehead, marveling at how soft it was. Silently, he heard the door open and he saw his brothers head poke in.

"Laito, what are you doing here?"
"Checking on you, of course. Why else would I be here?"
"Whatever. Turn your voice down. (Y/n) is still asleep."

Ayato lay his hand on the side of her face. Laito was speechless. He'd never seen his brother like this. Two words for it: love struck. His little brother was falling in love with a human. How sad. It would only hurt him in the end. The unbelievable fact was that she would die long before he would. How heart breaking.

A small moan pulled the brothers attention to the small person in Ayato's arms. (Y/n) slowly opened her bright (e/c) eyes and blinked. She looked up at Ayato and smiled before noticing Laito in front of the door. She cringed and clung to Ayato, a bit scared. Something about Laito scared her. Ayato held her closer.

"Hey, hey. Its okay. No one will hurt you. I'm right here. I'll protect you."
"Yeah. I promise."
"Hey, Ayato. I should get back down. Take care of her. I'll be downstairs."
"Oh. Alright. See ya later."

His bright green eyes never left her. Laito noticed the slight pink in his brother's face. He had to admit that smile was rare for Ayato.

"Hey, Ayato-kun?"
"Thank you."
"For what? You don't have to thank me."
"Too late."
"Smart ass."

Ayato held her close in his arms, a sarcastic grin on his face. (Y/n) looked up at him and as much like magnets, they moved closer to each other until their lips met in a gentle kiss. (Y/n)'s legs got weak. Ayato noticed this and wrapped his arm around her waist, using his other to wrap her arms around his neck. The kiss gradually got deeper. When they pulled apart, they both were panting. (Y/n) looked up at Ayato.

"Ayato-kun, look. I don't think I'm ready to just be yours but can we be friends for now."

"Friends don't kiss each other like we just did. Friends don't kiss at all."

"I mean, we can have that little benefit, right?"

"Hmm. I guess we can. Alright but on one condition."

"What condition?"

"Drop the formalities already. Just call me Ayato."

"O...okay. I can do that, Ayato."

"Then it's a deal."

(Y/n) smiled up at Ayato. They sealed that promise with another kiss. The two could agree on this condition.

A. N: Hey. Little thing. This story is far from over. Let me know what you think. Thanks, guys. Love ya.

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