Chapter 3

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It just didn't make any sense. This girl was driving him crazy. There was something about her but he didn't know what it was. She was beautiful but so are a lot of human women. She smelled so sweet to him. It just tempted him so much but he held himself back. He wanted to bite her so bad but he didn't want to harm her at all. He wanted to protect her if anything. How was it that he was feeling like this? A mere human making him go crazy like this? Impossible. Yet it was happening to him. What had he gotten himself into now?



"You okay? You look pale."

"I always look pale."

"Not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"You look like you saw you a bat with rabies."

"What an odd reference. That doesn't even make sense."

"Kanato never makes sense."


"Any way. What's wrong with you? You've been staring at (Y/n) for a while now."

"I'm fine."

"Lies. What's bothering you?"

"I said, I'm fine."

Ayato's face turned a slight shade of red. She was the only thing on his mind lately and it confused him. She didn't belong in his mind, let alone his world. His world is dark. She was bright sunshine; something he didn't deserve.

"Ayato, we're your brothers. We know you. Please tell us what's wrong."

"Just let it go. I'm fine. Just not feeling well. I think I'm gonna go lay down. Maybe I'll feel better."

"Alright then. Sleep well, brother."


Ayato turned his back on his twin brothers. Just because they were triplets, didn't mean he had to tell them everything. However, his heart and head was clouded with thoughts of her sweet smile whenever she slept in his arms. It would be lies to say he couldn't help but catch a glance at her face as she cuddled close to him.

(Y/n) was catching his heart and didn't even know it. He opened the door to his room and saw her curled in a ball with her head on his pillow. She was beautiful. That was all there was to her. Beautiful and sweet. Far too innocent for her own good. That was part of why he was so scared to embrace his emotions. He was dark and a monster. She was so sweet and innocent. He didn't want to corrupt her. She rolled over, sighed, and slowly opened her eyes. She blinked, rubbing her eyes. Ayato had to admit, she was adorable.

"Was I asleep?"
"You were. Ore-sama was about to wake you up. You're on my side of the bed."
"Oh. I'm sorry, Ayato. You're side is just so comfy and I was sleepy."
"You're always sleeping, aren't you?"
"Really? I haven't noticed."
"Of course you haven't. No one says anything."

(Y/n) pouted. Ayato was being an ass as per usual. Actually, he seemed really irritated for some reason. Like he hasn't slept and he was grouchy.

"Ayato, have you been sleeping? You seem really grouchy."

"I'm fine. Damn. Why the hell does everyone assume I'm in a bad mood?"

"Perhaps because you keep snapping at everyone. Ayato, please tell me. You seem really annoyed. What's on your mind?"

He looked at her. He couldn't tell her that she was the only thing on his mind. He just couldn't. He'd built up so much in a short amount of time and he wasn't about to destroy it now. Yet, she was always there. At the forefront of his mind. Her smile, her laugh, how she cuddled close to him when she slept. Everything she did was always on his mind.

"You worry too much. I'm fine. Just need a nap. That's all."
"A nap? May I nap with you?"
"Weren't you just sleeping?"
"So? I'd rather nap with you, Ayato. Please?"

Ayato sighed. She really had a way of crawling under his skin. He just couldn't say no to her.

"Fine. You can nap with me."

Ayato climbed into the bed, trying to avoid her eyes. She cuddled up on his chest, yawning. Ayato could hear her soft breathing as she slept. He softly kissed her forehead.

"Sweet dreams, (y/n)."

A.N: hey. Sorry if this chapter sucks. The original notebook I had this in got stolen so I'm behind. Sorry. Let me know what you think. Love you all, my dear readers.

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