Chapter 5

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[ C H A P T E R 5 ]

[ C H A P T E R 5 ] Cyrus

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Fucking consequences. If he doesn't stop talking I will shove a sock down his throat.

"If you break one rule it won't be too bad. You'll receive an exact number of ten lashings."

What the fuck is wrong with this dude?

"If you break two, I won't allow you dinner and will receive five lashings."

"If you break three, I'll lock you in your room without breakfast, lunch and dinner. You're only allowed three full glasses of water."

"If you break four, you'll receive twenty lashings, a lap around the house and chores in the garden for two days."

"If you break six of them, no food for two days, ten lashings and a hundred taken away from you."

"If you break all ten of them, you'll receive a total of 40 lashings, no food for three days, five laps around the house, chores for three weeks, all your money taken and five hours of sleep for a month."

"Do I make myself clear on everything? I do not repeat myself." He said. The fact that he doesn't repeat himself and that I've forgotten all the rules already says I'm going to die within two days of being here.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Shall I move on to signing?" He said while pulling out three papers.

"Why not, you're already pulling them out." I said. He chuckled. His chuckle is probably the second hottest thing I've heard in my life because his moans will be the first.

"Read over these three pages. Do whatever it tells you and then sign them if you feel like doing it. If not, that is completely fine. This is optional for every person who is sent here." He said while handing me the three full paged papers. They are full front and back with long ass paragraphs and he expects me to read and answer questions. Bull shit.

"Alright." I mumbled as I folded them and slid them in my pocket.

"One last thing. Call me sir for now on. Gerald, you may take them to their rooms." He said before leaning back. He's going to kill me.

Jedrek and I walked over to where Gerald stood before following him out of the office. We followed him to the opposite side of the house until we stopped in front of a burgundy door.

"This is Cyrus's room. It's closer to Master's. Jedrek, yours is next to mine." Gerald said before nodding at me and continued to walk down the hall.

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