Chapter 22 The Queen

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T'Challa's Pov:

"Truth serum..." I felt my heart sink. "Shit, you actually believe that." Tony said and let go backing up to look at me...Stephen...actually thinks he deserved that.

" sweetheart don't mean that." I said.

"I do." He said looking ashamed.

"All of it?" I asked.

"Yes." He said and my heart shattered...

"Fuck." Tony said as we both took in this new information.

"Stephen...what...what do you think about this then?" I asked worriedly.

"This?" He asked.

"How Tony and I treat you?" I asked.

"It's nice." He said and I swallowed.

" you think this is temporary?" I asked.

"I'm scared that it might be." He said...

" didn't deserve any of that and we won't ever hurt you like that..." I froze...he doesn't think... "Stephen...please...please tell me you are not just having sex with us cause we want to?" I asked and Tony paled more somehow...Please...please...

"I'm not." He said and I let out a breath.

" enjoying it?" Tony asked.

"Yes." Stephen said as he started to blush again. "It feels good." He said and covered his face adorably flustered. "This is embarrassing." He said.

"I'm more concerned about you thinking you deserved all that." I said.

"I don't deserve you two." Stephen said.

"Oh are so's us who don't deserve you." I said and he looked at me. "I love you." I said softly and his eyes widened as the blush grew darker.

"That's the first time you said it." Tony said.

"Well it's true." I said and kissed Stephen gently on the forehead making him blink.

"This isn't temporary baby." Tony said.

"I...what if you get tired of me?" He asked and my heart broke.

"We could never get tired of you." Tony said softly.

"Even though I get scared?" Stephen asked softly.

"Baby...we're not going to get tired of you getting's ok to get scared." Tony said.

"Even over silly things?" Stephen asked and Tony blinked. "Like talking..." He mumbled.

"Stephen...we will never get tired of you." I said softly.

Tony's Pov:

"A truth serum?" Bruce asked.

"Yup." I said.

"Interesting." Bruce said.

"Oh...hi Bruce." Stephen said walking into the room.

"Hi Stephen." Bruce said and I frowned when Clint came around the corner.

"Ok but can you sneeze fire?" Clint asked.

"No." Stephen said looking annoyed.

"Can you swim in lava?" Sam asked now walking out.

"I don't know and don't plan on trying it." Stephen said.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked.

"Not long." Clint and Sam said.

"2 hours." Stephen said looking so done making me glare at the two.

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