Chapter 34 Goodbye Stephy

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Warning mentions of abuse, rape, and death

Tony's Pov:

" drink some water." Bucky said.

"" I asked as my anger ate away the pain.

"" He said.

"WHERE!?" I snapped and Bucky frowned.

"Dead." Bucky said.

"How?" I asked and Bucky swallowed glancing at...T'Challa.

" away from me...when he saw Stephen...he cut her neck didn't kill her immediately either." Bucky said...I frowned.

" he?" I asked and Bucky frowned.

"I'm sorry Tony." Bucky said. "If...if it makes you feel better it was...instant he didn't suffer at all." He said and I choked...No...I mean it did but it didn't make it hurt less...

"Can...Can I say goodbye?" I asked and Bucky swallowed.

"You sure that's a good idea?" He asked.

"I...please." I said and Bucky sighed.

"Ok." He said and Bucky lead the way...I...Oh Steph...I walked over and looked at his pale face...Oh were so had barely got to live...

"I'm sorry baby...I love you." I said softly and pressed a kiss to his forehead as my eyes burned.

"Ok come on." Bucky said...Next thing I know I'm in the tower...I don't really remember how I got feel...numb. I mean not as bad as when we lost Stephen before but...Wong had done something apparently...I looked next to me and saw T'Challa just sitting there staring blankly ahead...yeah...I didn't even notice the team moving around the room talking...or when Bruce came over and started taking care of T'Challa...I startled though when Bruce put his hand on my shoulder.

"It''s going to be ok." Bruce said softly and I blinked.

"He's...gone." I said and he frowned as his hold on me tightened.

"We're here for you both...whatever you need." Bruce said and I blinked.

"I need Stephen." I choked and Bruce frowned before hugging me...I sobbed as it all hit me again...Stephen wasn't coming back...Stephen was dead...he was gone...we had promised to protect him and he was dead. I don't know how long I cried or even how long I sat there feeling lost.

Wong's Pov:

Usually it's Stephen doing these types of things...something stupid to save the one he cares about...He'd do it for me...I kept telling myself as I moved as fast as I could through the snow. I glanced back and saw the cloak still holding him securely as it floated after me. This is stupid...I'm going to get killed...but once again he would do this for me...I could understand dragon now but could not speak it...Stephen always laughing at my pour attempts at it...The dragons watched me pass and a guard landed next to me making me tense but I kept moving...It glanced at Stephen and made a soft noise as it's head lowered a little. I walked into the castle then the throne room making the queen look at me while the guard snarled...I dropped to the floor.

"Please...I know you can...please bring him back." I begged and it fell quiet...The cloak slowly laid Stephen down his body limp and head lolling to the side...he was pale and covered in dried blood cause as soon as I left them I had brought him here.

"The little one?" I heard and looked up surprised...the queen in human form...She caressed Stephen's cheek then frowned. "We can not save him...if we could then my child would still be here." She said.

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