Corona Chronicles

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Oh Corona

You just had to come so soon

So much was planned

So much to do

It would've all happened

If it weren't for you

Oh Corona

You just had to come

I can't meet my friends

And I really miss my mum

But it wasn't all bad

We did have some fun

Coming together as a family

Though it may have sounded dumb

You reduced our pollution

More than we could have

You let us see more stars

By undoing our destruction

You got everyone exercising

Even lazy people had a jog

You got more people cooking

Delicacies from around the world

But at what cost

So many good things

But what in return

What is it you took

From our normal lives

You didn't take money

Or a knowledgeable book

You took our lives

The loves of the elderly

As well as the young

You took our passion

The fire that is our hope

But it doesn't matter

How many you take

How many lives are lost

For Humanity's sake

We will endure

And see this through

For one day

We will topple you

From your makeshift throne

And send you back to the unknown

So hear us out

Oh Corona

We will persevere, Never falter

Because that's what we do best

We live life to the fullest

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