She Said

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"It's not you"

She said to me that day

And it all fell apart

All went astray

"It's me"

She blamed herself

Despite it not being true

Yet she took me as a fool

It hurt me

But I said nothing

I waited to see

If she would add something

But she did not

No other reasons

Apprehend, I could not

I expected no more

I knew she was too far

But the pain, It was sore

Because she was all I wanted

I know I was out of place

I don't know what to do

I can barely look at her face

Because she was all I wanted

I asked her where I went wrong

I wanted to be better

I asked her how to improve

I was analysing to the letter

But she shocked me with her reply

She said, "You didn't go wrong"

But that response didn't fly

Or else I wouldn't have been here

But I said nothing

It was clear she was polite

And took the blame herself

But Apprehend, I could not

Because she was all I wanted

The Lion and the Donkeyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن