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There will be a time

When you meet someone nice

Who cares for you

Whatever the price

That loved you

More than herself

Just like a book on a shelf

Useless without you

Because she exists just for you.

But to find that person

You have to try

Try to search

Try tonight

If you do not try

The answer won't just come

Randomly from anywhere

You have to try

Try to remember

The one person who gave you the answers

Not the friend who does all the homework

Nor the teacher who answers your every question

But the one who gave you life

The one who let you see the beauty of the world

From that moment

When you opened your eyes for the first time

She has kept watching over you

Teaching you all your life

Remember the one

Who taught you to remember

The one that made you feel better

That was the moment

The start of the beginning

That started your life

And changed you forever

Look around yourself

Look for that person

Without her

You wouldn't be here

She gave you this change

This chance

To make your life better

To enhance

You don't need to be smarter

To know it was all your mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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