Chapter 9: Controlling the Beast Within?

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   A few hours pass and the house was silent all over, Sonic was taking a bath and Tails and Amy stayed downstairs watching the news of the attack and how they were in fact identified as Chris's parents.
   Tails sighs and watches Shadow come in and sit next to him.
   A few minutes pass and Shadow spoke up.
"I've been doing research on Sonic's "Problem". Shadow says. "I believe sonic can control this curse with pure willpower if he understands how although thats all I have gathered..."
   Tails stared, stunned at Shadow's research.
   "Are you saying...Sonic can be able to control himself?" Shadow nods. "That is if he can."
   "I'm sure Sonic can!" Amy says cheerfully. "There isn't anything Sonic can't do!"
   Sonic slowly heads downstairs and heads for the kitchen, and starts to take out as many chili dogs as he can carry. Softly he places them all on the table and takes a seat.
    Stomach growling sonic quickly swallows down each and every last chili dog.
   Tails nods and Shadow stands and walks in with Sonic.
   "Hey Sonic. How ya holding up?" Shadow asked as he sat across Sonic.
   Sonic simply keeps eating his hunger just kept growing.
   Shadow simply waits for his response and grabs a chili dog and eats along with him.
   Once Sonic finished he let out a loud burp. "Im-im doing ok..." Sonic finaly reponded. "Just a little light headed as all..what is it that you want?"
   Shadow scratched his chin and explained just as he did with Tails.

   "Are are you serious!" Sonic yelled excitedly.
   Shadow smirks. "Its just a theory but you can test it for yourself the full moon is still going on for a few more days."
   Sonics eyes widened in horror as he looks at the time. Instantly he looks out the window and sees the moon wide and high above the clouds.
    Shadow quickly stands back as Sonic falls to the ground groaning and yelling as his transformation begins once more. Sonic growls and thrashes around as he stands and claws the ground, his nails grow into lethal claws.
   As the the transformation nears to a finish Shadow pulls out his pistol and asks. "S-sonic...are control?.."
   Sonic simply tilted his head and growled furiously. He steps closer towards Shadow dripping saliva down his fangs. Out of no where he pounces onto Shadow causing him to lose his gun under the fridge. Shadow tried all he could to be released but simply made Sonic dig his claws deeper. Shadow's screams of pain made Tails and Amy come and gasp as Sonic digs his long fangs onto Shadow's shoulder causing him to scream even more. Once Sonic sees Tails and Amy he retreats and escapes crashing through the window howling into the night.

   Tails slowly helped Shadow sit up. Shadow's vision slowly cleared as he saw all his blood splattered across the floor. He slowly grabs his emerald and heals the wound. But the bite mark remained.
    "Grraahh!!!" Shadow threw the emerald furious of his wound not healing. Tails slowly helps Shadow up. "Why won't it heal!" Shadow yelled. "Probably because its a cursed bite Shadow...". Shadow growls and grabs his pistol from underneath the fridge.
   "So." Shadow chuckles and smiles. "Think you can just bite me, turn me into a werewolf and get away with it!!" Shadow furiously replaces the bullets with silver ones. "Sh-Shadow! What are you doing!" Tails yelled as he leaves to the door.
   "What do you think!! I'm gonna kill that son of a BITCH!!" Shadow slams the door and uses his skates heading for the park.

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