Teenage! Manny x Fem! Reader

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It was a peaceful day, just like any other. I lived in the house with Manny, Paige, Robin, Tony, Can,Steve, Larry ect. I was one of the ones awake. It was a sunny afternoon and Manny was the only one asleep. I was reading one of of my green covered books by the trees in the front yard when I felt a small tap on my shoulder. It was Paige. I was instantly scared because if you knew Paige, you knew that she hated green. Nobody knows why she hated it. But she did. She instantly recognized the color and took out that massive, but sharp, pencil that she always has on her and dragged me into the art room.

It must've been a couple hours later because by time she was finished with me, it was late. I went to the bathroom to try to cover up what she did. I looked in the mirror to see blood, cuts, bruises. My hair was messy and my clothing was torn. I sat down on the side if the tub and cried for a little. I must've been to loud because I heard knocking on the door. "Hey, are you okay Y/n, I saw you come in here looking a bit bruised" he asked with worry. "Yes, im fine" I lied yelling through the door. "No your not Y/n, please let me in" he pleaded. I sighed and slowly got up. I looked in the mirror once more before opening the door and there he was. The taller boy look down at you with worried eyes. "Oh my God, Y/n, what did she do to you?" He asked. "Its nothing Manny, im okay" you smile, despite being in a lot of pain. He starts getting upset and guides you into the bathroom to help with your cuts.

It was now a few hours later and Manny had finished putting bandages on your cuts. "Thank you" you smiled at him, now feeling a lot better. "Your welcome!" Manny says "I'll make sure to have a talk with Paige about this." He says, still upset that she hurt you. You didn't know this, but Manny had the biggest crush on you. So as he sent you off to your room, he made sure that Paige wouldn't hurt you again.

You woke up the next day still in a little in pain from the day before, but still a lot better. You were about to grab your green covered book, but remembering the events from yesterday, you went with the pink one.
As you walked downstairs you heard familiar voices speaking. It was Manny and Paige. But what where they talking about?
"Paige! I want you to apologize to Y/n once she wakes up. I do not care if she had a green covered book it was mean and she didn't deserve to be hurt!" You heard Manny say as he tried not to yell at Paige.
"Manny we all know you like her so just confess and fine, I will apologize. But she knows I don't like green!" Paige whisper-yelled.
You walked into the kitchen with a flushed face after hearing that Manny, your longtime crush, likes you back. You look over to see Paige and Manny sitting at the table. Manny gently pushes Paige over to where you are a coughs a little, signaling her to apologize.
"Y/n" she says "I'm sorry for being mean to you just for a green covered book."
"I-its okay" you stutter "no harm no foul haha"
Paige shoved Manny causing him to fall ontop of Y/n
"Oopsies, sorry Manny" she says as she skips off to the art room.
"S-sorry Y/n" He apologized as you got up "A-also I have something to tell you" he says quietly while looking down at the floor.
"Yes, you know you can tell me anything Manny" you smile at him
"I- I like you Y/n, would you please be my girlfriend" he says low and fast but you catch on.
"YES!!!" you yell excitedly but accidently and smile. Manny looks up and blushes before you run over and kiss him on the cheek. Now Mannys face is completely red as the other house members gather in the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about. "What is the meaning of this, do you know what time it is!" Yells Tony as he walks in. "Yea" Steve and Can say at the same time. Paige comes in and says "Manny just asked out Y/n"
"OH MY GOODNESS" shrignold yells as he hugs both of yall "YOU TWO WHERE MADE FOR EACHOTHER!!!!" he states as you and Manny look at each other happy, but very squished. The day continues with Shrignold telling you two how perfect you are for each other and just enjoying each other's company. The night ends with cuddling and exchanging "I love yous".


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