Return to Gravity Falls

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The afternoon sun was shining brightly through the dense, ominous forest that hid a small red vehicle from view. While driving down the middle of the winding road, Mabel and Dipper Pines obnoxiously sang along to the radio, screaming the nostalgic words to Taking Over Midnight at the top of their lungs with the windows all the way down.

Both remembered the epic summer adventures they had four years ago as if it were yesterday, especially raising the dead. They imagined themselves on stage, creating a perfect three-part harmony that blew the zombies' rotting minds away with the help of their Grunkle, Stan. After hearing the Pine twin's horrid singing, flocks and flocks of sickly-looking crows abruptly flew into the afternoon sky, angrily cawing in response. CAW CAW.

Not realizing or really caring about the speed limit, Dipper Pines swiftly maneuvered along the labyrinthine roads as Mabel vurped (a combination of vomit and burp) each time the vehicle hit a gaping pothole.

"Wahooo!" Dipper cheered, feeling the wind flowing through his brunette locks as he stuck his head outside of the window.

Clearly becoming nauseous due to Dipper's insanely illegal driving, "Dipper, I'm gonna be sick!" Mabel shouted before Dipper intentionally sped over another massive pothole, causing Mabel to swiftly cover her mouth, forcing down her worsening sickness.

Dipper slowed down the somewhat busted-up 2008 Jeep Wrangler and casually turned down the blaring radio. While leaning back into the driver's seat, Dipper gave an immensely smug look towards his queasy sister.

Chuckling under his breath, "Haha, sorry Mabel. Consider this payback for swapping my coffee with Mabel juice this morning."

Dipper grew pale at the thought of the terribly sour taste of passion fruit, sugar, syrup, gummy worms, extra sugar, and plastic dinosaurs that was Mabel juice. He finally understood what Grunkle Stan meant by Mabel juice being a repulsive child created from coffee and nightmares.

"Ahh, never gets old," Mabel smirked before projectile vomiting outside of the car window, drenching a poor squirrel near the roadside with this morning's Mabel-inspired breakfast that was clearly made with an excessive amount of edible glitter.

"Ewww." Dipper disgustedly commented, scrunching his face in revolt.

Innocently, "Sorry, forest friend!" Mabel screamed as the squirrel began furiously hissing at the passing vehicle, revealing its abnormally sized, rainbow-colored teeth that dragged along the forest floor before scurrying away.

After her stomach began to settle down, Mabel instinctively tossed several jelly beans into her mouth. While emphasizing her noms, she began tapping her finger on the bottom of her chin, trying to discern each individually flavored jelly bean.

Surprised at the amount of candy that Mabel packed for the trip, "Mabel, how many sweet teeth do you have exactly?" Dipper curiously inquired.

With jazz hands, "Brace yourself—I've got two whole rows of sweet teeth!" Mabel jokingly said, snorting loudly as she laughed before proceeding to eat another handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.

"Yeah, well at this rate..." quietly observing the variety of sweets in Mabel's possession, "You'll probably get holes in both rows of teeth." Dipper worriedly spoke while furrowing his brow.

"Heh, more like tiny pockets for storing more sugar!!" Mabel remarked as she threw handfuls of sweet and sour candy into the air with most of it landing on the filthy floor, "Heh-heh, yeah!!" she explained while punching the ceiling of the vehicle, completely disregarding her brother's warning.

Dipper slouched in his seat, letting out a big sigh before fixing his eyes in front of him, intent on focusing on the road after realizing that this conversation with his sister was completely hopeless. As Dipper began calmly scanning the line of birch trees, strangely feeling as if he were being compelled to enter the mystical, uncharted woods of Gravity Falls...

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