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I'm screwed.

And not in the way I was hoping I would be only a few seconds ago. Juniper continues to stare at me in disbelief as I try and rack my brain for some kind of explanation, but it's hard to defend yourself when you're best friend has literally caught your teacher's tongue down your throat.

She collects herself and looks away from me, and I have a feeling it's the last time she'll look my way again.

"I just came to let you guys know there's been a room change, we're down the hall," she jerks her hand out the door, and I feel Mr Harrison nod stiffly as Juniper turns and walks out of the room.

I feel so guilty, but the worst part is that while I'm sorry to her, I'm not sorry it happened.

I want it to happen again. And again. And I want to go further.

But now's not the time, right now I have to pat my hair down, smooth my skirt and sharpen my 'The Killers' top, and face Mr Harrison like the grown girl I am.

"Do you think she's going to tell anyone?" I hear the guilt and trepidation in his voice, but all I can think about is the fact he's still staring at my lips and I want nothing more than to get right back to what we were doing a minute ago, but we can't.

"No, June's a good... friend, she'd never get me in trouble." My voice is a lot stronger than I thought it would be and I start to move away, away from Mr Harrison, away from the temptation, but he circles my wrist with his thumb and forefinger, and I've never felt to small.

"Lina," he begins, staring into my eyes, "I... whatever this is, I don't want it to have just been one kiss. I want more." he ends firmly and that underlying command has me back in my dirty fantasies all over again.

"I want that too," I whisper, because my resolve crumbled at the vulnerable look he'd given me, "But we have to get to class, because I still am a student and you're still a teacher, and I want to be a good student, Sir," and I definitely flutter my eyelashes at him.

He growls. A. Full. On. GROWL. But even he knows we have to get back to reality and so he gives me a single kiss, so soft and chaste I'm surprised he'd being this gentle.

"Okay," he agrees, and we're off to class.


This is torture. Mr Harrison has been staring at me subtley enough that no one really notices except me, and a thrill shoots through me everytime we make eye contact.

It doesn't help that, everytime I've asked a genuine question - life hack, ask your teachers questions and don't be scared to sound dumb in front of the whole class, because chances are there's at least one other person wanting to ask the same question but is scared to do it just like you - about the Russian Revolution, he's managed to sneak in a sexual innuendo into every answer.

"The Bolsheviks certainly took pleasure in the Kornilov Affair."

"The June Offensive was clearly a blown job by Kerensky."

And my personal favourite: "Lenin wanted the people to submit to him, and it's not hard to see why - they were there to fulfil his needs."

I'm damn near panting by the end of the lesson, because I have sex on the brain, and when you're a studious girl like me, you want to be able to pay attention to your teacher whilst also coming up with different positions you want to be fucked in in that classroom. Unfortunately, Mr Harrison only makes one of those possible.

"That's it for today," Mr Harrison announces as the school bell rings, and I definitely appreciate how puntucal he's being. It is a Friday afternoon after all, and I'm looking forward to the weekend.

I can tell Mr Harrison wants to keep me back, but as much as I loved kissing him, there's someone far more important I need to talk.

I see June trying to leave the lecture hall as quick as she can, but I'm a woman on a mission and catch up to her just as we exit the building. We're at the back of the university because we prefer walking around outside, basking in the rain or sunshine.

"Juniper!" I call after her and grab her arm before she can run away and turn her to me. She wrenches her arm back and I take a small step back as she glares at me with more hatred than I've ever felt directed towards me.

But her voice is more broken when she whispers "What do you want?" and I cave.

I kiss her.

And it comes as no surprise to either of us that she kisses me back.

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