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"My dear president,

Here you have the instructions to continue your awful routine with y/n.

You'll find the letters that you must keep putting on your little monster's desk with its respective presents.

Don't forget about it, because I won't be there to do it. Writing those letters was harder than ever, because with the previous ones, at least you were able to tell me what had happened the night before.

The dismal kisses she had given to you, the words you had to use to make horror- I mean- love with her.

Every detail of your itinerary was scary, but at least it was useful for me to write those letters.

So, these new letters that I left you contain neutral feelings, I guess during the following days you'll have to return to the torture of kissing her and, probably, having to make love to her.

Anyways, here you have that cheap poetry that drives her crazy, poetry for ugly girls in love. As the little monster must be hyped by Justine's absence, I'm sure she'll want you to spend every night with her. But be careful, I'm sure that Justine is going to order Jane to follow each one of your steps, and If you give her a single reason to suspect, she is going to cancel the wedding, and that's the last thing that can happen. That wedding must be celebrated at all costs.

I suggest you to take her to a fancy dinner tomorrow. Drink enough to be brave, take her to home and if you are inspired enough... have sex with her. I know, I know, I know the martyr face you must be making while reading this, but it seems like lately you stopped suffering that much when you have to have sex with her. You are already anesthetized, so do it once again tomorrow and finish that at once. Y/n will be happy and in that way, she'll let you be at peace for some days.

Oh, but I'm not leaving you two my apartment again... you damaged my record, what is more, you BROKE it. Even the porter joked about how ugly was the woman that you brought with you.

Mister Albarn, the fact that she is going to be far away from you for a few days doesn't mean that you won't have to take care of her.

Maintain the routine of letters and presents that you'll find in this bag, because Mister Graham Coxom is still interested in y/n and in the enterprise, and when I come back I don't want to hear the news that you didn't take care of her and that you let her in that guy's hands, because that would be like have given the enterprise to him.

And well, I wish this week to be better (or less horrible) than the other ones which you have suffered with her, but to stay strong, always remember these mantras: I kiss y/n for the enterprise... I make love to y/n for the enterprise... Think that with every kiss, with every caress, you are making sure that she will be on our side.

Last but not least, I want you to remember that in the following days you'll have to be very special, not only to save the enterprise, but also because you'll have to make her alter the reports for the next board. Bro, she has us in her hands, and if she refuses to help us, well, close your eyes, drink a little bit, prepare your most sensible phrases and take her to bed.

For what I know, there is no one happier than an ugly woman after making love. Well, my dear CEO, I know you'll read this while being completely disgusted, but think that this hell is not going to last forever. Soon you'll be again that happy man surrounded by beautiful women when she returns the enterprise to us."

"You can do it, president.

Sincerely yours,

Alex James."

Y/n, with her hands trembling with pure anger, put the paper on the desk. Her eyes burst out in tears, while she covered her mouth with her hand to hold back a scream of pain. She shrinked right there, in Damon's chair, as the weight of having been fooled again started to oppress her head.

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