42 2 0

Y/n looked at herself in the mirror. 
She put on a long skirt, a blouse and a cardigan. She combed her hair as always: two strands united at the back of her hair and that horrifying fringe being the main part of the hairstyle.

Her brackets highlighted because of the pink rubber bands that her dentist had put on her. She had been told that her mouth looked like a mailbox more than once, but what could she do? She needed those brackets.

She put on her giant red glasses and then, she was ready. Her parents cheered her. Graham was waiting for her outside; they'll both take the bus and go to Eco Fashion. 

When they arrived, they saw the security guard being surrounded by a lot of models who wanted to enter the building, as they were waiting for a casting. He was being charming and funny with the girls, but when he saw y/n, his face changed.

— Can I help you, ma'am?— He asked with a disinterested tone of voice. 

— Yes, I'm here for a job interview.

He looked at her confused. 

— It's for the secretary job.— she said with a smile.

— Oh, yes. You can past.— He got out of her way. 

As she entered the building, she saw a lot of tall, beautiful women everywhere. 

— Good luck y/n!— screamed Graham. She smiled shyly, she felt intimidated because many of these models were looking at her as if she were an alien. A part of her wanted to run away, but she couldn't.  She needed the job. She walked towards the reception. 

— Hi! How can I help you?— y/n sighed. The receptionist looked way more friendly than the models. 
— Hi, I came here for the secretary job interview.

— Your name please?

— Y/n.

— Ok, here you are— said while reading a list. You have to go to the second floor and then you'll meet the secretary of the employment department's manager. She'll take you to his office. Good luck!

She was so nervous. Her stomach hurted, and she felt small among everyone that was in there. The secretary took her to the office and, just like the receptionist, wished her luck. When she walked in, a smell of male cologne slapped her. She wanted to cough. An old man with a suit (that she guessed was the manager) was talking to a woman. She looked like a proper model: she was tall, wearing fancy clothing and had this distinguished air. She also was really pretty. 

He made a face of disgust when he saw y/n.

— Good morning sir, I'm here for the secretary job. — said y/n with an almost inaudible voice tone.

— Good morning eh… yeah. Take a seat, please. 

She sat by the lady, who looked at her with contempt. 

Well, now that we are all here, why don't we talk about your… experience?— He was only talking to the other woman. 

— Well, Sir.

— Please, call me Richard. 

— Well, Richard.— she said with a coquette voice.— I studied for six month in the university of San Marino, in Colombia, because my father was working there. It was a really expensive university, but the experience really changed me. When I moved here to Essex I met Justine.

— Yeah, she told me about you.

— And as I divorced from my husband, which I met while studying there, now I need a job to maintain myself. 

Y/n was confused. Why was she talking about her life instead of her studies?

— That's wonderful. I'm sure you'll do it great.He looked pleased.— And you?

Y/n reajustes her glasses.

— I have a degree in economics from London University, graduated cum laude and now I am a doctor in economics. I worked in a bank for three months. I also participated in a few projects.— She talked fast, as she suspected that she wasn't going to be choosed. 

She was right. The man choosed  Jane, the other candidate. When she arrived home, she told her parents and Graham that they told her they'll call her, but of course that was a lie. In three days or less, she'll tell them that she was rejected and then she will start looking for another job. 


Someone touched the door, then entered mister Richard's office.

— Hello, Richard.

— Mister Albarn! 

The two men shaked hands.

— The today's council has been crazy. Liam really wants to be the next president.— He said while sitting on one of the chairs.

— We can't let that happen, sir. He would sell the enterprise as soon as he became president. 

— I know, I know. In the next reunion, we are going to choose the next CEO. I think that Justine is going to vote for me, but I had prepared a move to be sure of that. Tonight I'm going to propose to her.

— Sir, that is… — Richard was speechless.

— The only thing I can do.— Damon sounded desperate.— Well, give me some news. Have you chosen a secretary for me?

— Oh, yes, yes, yes!— The old man's eyes started to shine.— I choosed this one.— He gave Damon Jane's curriculum. Damon looked at it for ten seconds then he let the paper upon the table. 

— What is this, Richard? She didn't even finished the career.

— Yes but… she has long, long legs.

— Wait, isn't she Justine's friend?

— Yes!

Damon went pale. 

— Richard, what did you do? She isn't only useless, she is also a spy for Justine, can't you see? Justine wants her here so she can tell her every move that I make, the women that I see, the people that call me, the women that go to my office… I won't have freedom anymore!— The young man looked anxious.

— Oh, Damon. I haven't thought about that. How can I be so dumb?— He hit his head with his hand. 

— I ask myself the same question.

— I have another curriculum.— He pulled out y/n's one.

— Wow.— Damon was impressed when he finished reading it. This young woman had a long career of success. — She seems prepared for the job, more than Jane is. Over qualified, if you ask me. Why didn't you pick her?

— Well, she is…

— She is what?


Damon looked at him perplexed, then he bursted of laughing. 

— Come on…

— I'm serious… her glasses were awful, and she dressed like a gramma. Her hair was gross.

— What are you now, a fashion expert?

— No but—

— I want you to call her right now. Tell her everything she may need to know, she will start tomorrow.

— But— 

— But nothing, I've already made the decision. See you tomorrow.— He walked to the door.— And remember, never judge a book for it's cover! — Damon left the office.
Richard picked up the phone with reluctance, as he started to look for y/n's number in the paper. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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