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— Graham!

— Y/n!

The pair of friends merged in a big hug. 

— What is that that you got fired again? 

— Yes. My boss said that I wasn't what they were looking for in an economist. It seems that being a doctor in economy isn't enough to work in the bank.

— Oh, don't tell me more. They fired you for being ugly.

— Bingo! Oh look, that's the girl they replaced me with.

A tall, elegant woman passed in front of y/n and Graham. 

— Oh là,là, now I understand why.— said Grahan while looking at her long legs.— She may not have a curriculum as good as yours, but she does have… the proportions. 

— Graham, don't be stupid, please.

— Ok, I'm sorry. What if I take you home and then we eat everything that is in your parent's fridge? 

Y/n laughed. It didn't matter how bad she could be feeling, her dear friend Graham always made her smile. 

When they arrived home, her parents were worried and confused because of her new dismissal.

— Y/n, what is happening?— Her old dad sat on a chair by her side on the dining table.

— Dad, is always the same! They reject me because I'm ugly, and what they want are beautiful executives that they can show proudly to their clients. 

— And that do not ruin the image.— said Graham while eating a slide of bread.

— Shut up, brat.— screamed y/n's father.

Y/n pressed her lips.

— Baby, listen to me. You are a really attractive woman (she rolled up her eyes), and anyone who says the opposite is lying. You can't give up, I didn't pay for your education with blood and tears to end up like this. You are going to keep looking for a job, ok?

— Ok, dad.

— And remember daughter, the devil is perverse!

— Yes, dad.

She was really disappointed with how life was treating her: bullied during all her life, from kindergarten to university, she always worked hard to make her parents proud, and now that she was a graduate with honours and a doctorate, she couldn't find a job. Just because she was ugly. 

— It seems like life is laughing at me, Graham. — y/n was hugging her teddy bear while looking at herself in the mirror. 

— That's because when God was distributing the beauty he forgot about us.

Y/n laughed while observing him: Graham was lying on her bed reading the newspapers and searching for a new job for his friend. 

— Have you found something? She approached the bed, while she was still caressing the teddy bear. 

— Hmmm, this enterprise called… Eco Fashion is looking for a secretary.

— Secretary? Come on Gra, I'm not a secretary. 

— Yes you are not a secretary but, how many options do you have left? Even if you are overqualified for the job, I'm sure you'll learn something.

— If my dad discovers that I am working as a secretary, he will kill me. And then he will kill you too for giving me the idea.

— But why?

— Because it would be a humiliation for him. 

Someone touched the door. The two friends stared at each other with fear. 

— Yes?

— Y/n, can i enter?

— Sure, mom.

The woman entered the room. 

— So, have you found something?— she seemed expectant. 

— Yes! Graham has just discovered an offer of an enterprise called eco fashion, but they are looking for a secretary.— She stared at the floor. 

— But my dear, no one starts in the highest position! Maybe you should try it! 

— But dad…

— Your father doesn't have to know it.— Her mother smiled.

— It's true.— Corroborated Graham from the bed. 

— Come on, try it! Maybe you are starting as a secretary but you may end in a higher position in the enterprise. 

— Ok, I've decided: I'll go to the work interview tomorrow. 

Her mum and Graham looked at her with twinkles in their eyes. They were so proud. 


— Shhhh, I've heard you've been a naughty boy, don't you? 

Justine tilted seductively towards Damon. He was sitting in a chair, with no clothes on, and his hands were tied.

— Come on baby, you know that I am a very good boy.

The woman smiled. Suddenly, she put a knife towards him, caressing his chest with it. — Oh, ok, so… how many times have you thought of me in a dirty way? Don't lie or I'll prick you.

— Hmmm, let me think.— Damon looked above, trying to ignore all the feelings that were jostling inside. — This morning, when you were talking to your secretary. The way you were leaning upon the table… Uff.

— What did you feel?— said Justine with an innocent voice.

— I felt the urge to get close to you and your ass, scrub my dick against it and then fuck you slowly, feeling my body smashing with yours while you scream my name.

— Oh, that's a nasty, nasty fantasy.— Justine was completely seduced by his deep, raspy voice. He had a huge erection that was calling for her. 

She let the robe she was wearing fall to the floor, revealing her naked body, which was hungry for Damon, as much as Damon was for it. Then, she let the knife on the table and the fun had just started.

Poetry for ugly girls In love [Damon Albarn x reader]Where stories live. Discover now