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3rd person POV:
The next day Daisy woke up with herself wrapped in Lokis arms in a protective hold. She didn't know why but why loved the feeling that it gave her. All she knew was she didn't have one nightmare that night. Also, that she was talking more around the others. Something about Loki made her feel safer than she ever did.

"Good morning love" Daisy yelped in surprise since she didn't realize he was awake and watching her deep in thought.

"G good morning Lolo"

"I think we need to get up, Tony told me last night he had something he had to talk to us about, and it is already the afternoon, seems we slept most of the day " reluctantly he got out of bed, Daisy trailing behind him holding onto the back of his shirt as he made his way to the elevator.

"Lolo, what do you think they have to tell us?"

"I'm not sure love" he lead her into the living room where everyone else was meeting.

Lokis POV:

This is all so new. I normally do not trust anyone, let alone some human. But something about Daisy makes me want to always be near her and protect her. I can't let myself get too close though. Whenever I get too close to people I always get hurt or lied too. I just don't think she has it in her to hurt me. I believe I have found someone who is more damaged and hurt than I am.

I take a seat on the couch and Daisy comes and sits impossibly close to me, holding Loki bear in her lap. That brought a slight smile to my face, but I quickly let it fall, remembering we are not in the private of our separate floor.

"Alright, I am glad everyone is here. As you all know we have been having problems with a group, but we are not sure who they are yet. Tonight we need to go out and make sure they aren't causing any unneeded trouble. Since we are not sure who they are or who they are working with we need everyone to be there" He made a point to say this while looking at me. Shit. I didn't think I would be doing anything this soon. Daisy looked up to me with big eyes and I knew she was nervous at the thought of me not being there with her since we have spent almost every second with each other since I got here.

"Daisy, There will be guards all around the tower and outside your floor okay? You will be safe. We are leaving at night anyway so maybe you will be asleep when we leave and still asleep when we get back okay?" Thor said knowing she was panicking. Daisy looked over at the rest of the team as they were staring at her with worried eyes. I knew they cared about her but I also knew that they haven't done anything since she got here to help her get better. Sure they are busy but it is unacceptable.

"O okay" She said looking down, tears collecting in her eyes.

"We leave in a hour. Reindeer games be ready okay?" Tony said. I just nodded standing up and brining Daisy to her room. Once we were in her room she finally said something.

"Lolo, do you have to go?" Daisy sat on her bed still clutching Loki bear. I wanted to stay with her but I knew I had no choice since I was still basically a prisoner here.

"I do darling, I apologize. Come, lay down and Ill read to you until you sleep okay? I promise I wont leave until you are asleep"She reluctantly agreed pulling the covers back and laying next to me on the bed. I conjured up a Asgardian book and began reading, running a hand through her hair as I did. It only took a couple minutes for her to fall asleep.  I covered her up and then closed the door, hoping I would be back before she woke up.

Daisys POV:

I knew he was close behind me. I couldn't run any faster.
"Stop please! Leave me alone!"  I scream but I feel like no one can hear me.
"There is no use in running, I promised I would always find you and I never break a promise" I felt like I could hear his voice from all around me but I kept running until I knew I wasn't moving anymore.  I couldn't move and was stuck, he was about to grab me...

I bolted out of bed covered in sweat and tears. I tried to search in the dark for Loki when I remember that the team took him tonight. What if something happened to him? What if something happens here when he is gone? What if he comes?

No I need to be strong. I can't think like that, I was fine before him and he would want me to be strong now. I really want to make him proud.
After ten minutes in my bed clutching Loki bear seeking some kind of comfort, I had the best idea. Ill just go to Lokis room. He wont mind right?

Slowly I opened my door and peeked into the hallway to make sure it was safe. I knew that they left guards outside my floor but I just had to make sure. Quickly I bolted across the hall and into his room. Instantly I felt safer. I climbed onto his bed, that felt like a foot taller than mine and covered myself in his blankets, wrapping myself in his smell.

I let myself fall into a deep sleep, feeling safer in Lokis room than I have ever before I met him.

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