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<this was written before the important note was posted so it might appear before the note despite being published afterward but please still take the time to read the note, thank you>

trailer above was made by me and is on youtube if it doesnt work here just type in sunshine rengoku x reader

Part 1/2



Not many people in this society openly accept demons. and for good reason. you were one of those many people, you knew from a young age that demons weren't just made from faith and they weren't just bed time stories that were told in order to scare children.

they were real. very real and in your world. though they were hidden from most eyes. only select few ever crossed their paths and less make it out alive. that's why you always looked up to your mother, she was one of the few who survived. and from the day she told you about these beasts that you live among she began to train you,

as the Demon Hashira. 


"Y/n come now, its bed time." a soft voice called out into the night sky as her thin, delicate fingers held a sewing needle tight between her finger tips. expertly weaving it in and out through thick fabric, patching up a hole her youngest and only child had made after her pant leg was snagged by a branch. 

a small whine followed as the said girl appeared upside down, hanging from said branch that had previously damaged the girls pants. "but you said i could wait up tonight for father to return." she complained, blowing hair out of the way of her eyes. "i know dearest..." her mother's hand stopped as she sighed. she placed the pants aside along with the needle and thread before turning to her daughter, a sad smile framing her reddened cheeks from the frosty air of the coming winter. "but  its already hours past your bed time and your father hasn't returned yet i imagine he wont be back till tomorrow now." 

the small girl's expression fell as her mouth shut. she slowly pulled herself up and slid off the branch with a small thud as her bare feet met the cold frost coated grass. she turned her attention to her feet as she savored the coolness between her toes trying to calm down the rising anger? tears? she didn't know. she was only young and still struggled to keep her emotions at bay never mind identify them. "this is shit." she mumbled under her breath making her mother gasp. "now where on earth did you hear that, young lady?" she stood and walked out to meet her child only a few steps from the front stairs of their house. 

The girl immediately regrets speaking up when she lifted her head to meet her mother's strict amber hue's. she immediately lowered her gaze to her toes again, ashamed "i...i heard some adults on my way home today...i'm sorry mama i didn't know it was bad." 

her mother's eyes softened as she sighed, leaning down to meet her daughters eyes "that's alright, just don't let me hear it again, understood?" despite the soft touch of her mother's hand on her cheek, her mother's voice held that usual sternness that she knew not to question. "Yes, mother." she nodded, melting into her mother's touch causing the woman to smile gently "you're freezing, lets get you inside..." she hooked her arm under her daughter's knees and hoisted her onto her hip, heading towards the girl's room. 

She slid the paper door open and quietly stepped inside, carrying the small girl to her bed and laying her down, smiling at the way her Hair immediately spread on the pillow around her face. she gently ran a slim finger over the locks of her daughter, shaking her head "for cutting it yourself my dear, you did a pretty good job." the younger girl grinned proudly at her mother's praise before letting out a loud yawn. her mother smiled herself, the memory of her daughter walking through to the kitchen one morning for breakfast, standing proud and tall showing off her choppy example of her hair. she had gotten a hold of her father's display sword and went for it. her father was horrified to say the least. in contrast, her mother only laughed and tried her best to scold the child on how dangerously she acted through giggles. 

She leaned down and tenderly placed her lips against the soft skin of her daughter's forehead and brushed some lose hair from her face "Goodnight my little Firefly." she gently dragged her pointer finger down the bridge of the girls nose and finally gave a small boop to the tip of her nose making the tired child giggle in response. another yawn escaped the child and her mother took this as her sign to leave. as she slid the paper door closed once again she sighed and headed back toward the backyard where her daughter had previously entertained herself while waiting for her father. 

Speaking of the girls father: Her mother slid the back door open again and snapped her eyes toward the deep forest that was blocked by a fence, she walked over and pulled out a wooden pillar from the fence to be met face to face with her husband. as expected he was covered in blood and injured, many of his visible wounds had begun to heal but her main concern was the currently healing slash on his neck. though it was healing she could still tell how close he had came to being decapitated. her eyes scowled into his own as he lowered his gaze in shame "were you followed?" a simple and forward question. her husband shook his head slowly and walked into their back garden with his wife as she placed the pillar back in it's original place. her nails seemed to scratch against the wood, making the man before her shiver from the noise. oh he was in for it. 

She took a deep breath before turning to her husband, though she was an expert at calming her rage she couldn't help it when her eyes dilated. "how many?" "six." she inhaled again as her calm ego wavered "did you injure any?" her husband shook his head "i wouldn't be in this state if i did." he almost hissed back but backed down when he was shot a glare "It's getting harder to hide this from her you know and you aren't helping. coming home half dead or not at all, its getting more and more difficult to cover for you love..." her eyes softened once again as she walked over and cupped her husbands bloodied cheeks, he sighed and leaned into her delicate touch "i know..." 

the two lovers stood there for a while enjoying each others silence...well as best they could with the weight on their shoulders that only seemed to become heavier with each passing second. 

as the silence grew so did their worries. until the girls father finally moved his face, looking at his wife, he sighed. it was full of worry and hurt "i think it's time we tell her.." pain, fear, anger shot through his wife's heart at the thought of breaking everything they worked for but she knew it was time..."Sweetheart they are getting closer and closer to finding us. we need to ready her for whats coming. it isn't just the humans we're fighting anymore." 

Her mother stayed quiet for a while before nodding "we'll do this together. we have to protect her as best we can." they both nodded again in agreement. they grabbed a hold of each others hands tightly trying to reassure each other. 

"we cant wait any longer, Her training begins tomorrow after we reveal the truth...." 


End of part one

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝘒. 𝘙𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘬𝘶Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum