Prologue 2 ✐

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The girl exclaims as another failed attempt ends in her falling backwards on her behind. her father freezes briefly before walking towards his daughter and offering  a calloused, scarred hand out to her which she takes with a huff gripping her smaller one around his as he pulls her to her feet again for maybe the fifth time within the last two hours. 

"maybe we should take a break?" he offers with a gentle but worried filled smile. and just in time too, as the girls mother returns to the two with a tray full of food and assorted cups of tea for them to choose from, without waiting for an answer, the girls father struts over to his wife and plops himself down on the maroon floor boards of the backyard platform. he grabs a random cup, not completely fussed with which assorted tea he ends up with. 

his daughter- with a tightened jaw- follows behind her father and slowly sits down crossed legged on the opposite side of her mother, across from her father. the wooden sword she had been training with clatters against the floor as she drops it with slight frustration. her mothers eyes trailed to her form as it slouches, aggressively grabbing a cup from the tray as well a small dumpling from one of the many treat piles. she plops it in her mouth and chews then sips at her tea but her eyes never move to meet either of her parents'

her mother sighs. "now, my little firefly." she catches the younger girls attention as she reaches out and cups her cheek with a serious expression. "there's no point in beating yourself up over it. you're barely into your training, you will get better with time. i was the exact same when i started my own training." she lets go of her daughters face to study her reaction. the girl in response lets out her own sigh and places down her cup "i know that mother but...i cant seem to get anything right, everything is confusing and i am still trying to get it through my head that i'm a demon. along with father." at this the man looks at the girl with a cup raised to his lips but he pauses to listen. "seeing him in that form is trying to fight him is hard with such a distraction." 

The two parents look at each other with a certain expression that the girl couldn't quite read. it was a mix of guilt, frustration and understanding. they wish they didn't have to tell their little girl something like this until much later but with the growing threats around them they had no choice but to. they both know this and they both agreed it was for the best. but they cant help but feel guilty...

True to her words, the girl's mother and father sat their daughter down at breakfast and finally revealed their pasts, that included the information of her mother's previous 'employment' and her father's origin. 

her mother being a well known hashira and her father being one of the many demon's people feared through out life. 

that meant she, herself was a demon. well half.

and for the mere age of 11 the girl understood and took this information in with minimal confusion or fuss. it only made her parents realize how truly blessed they were to have such a daughter. not that this information was new to the two parents who doted on their daughter from the minute she came into the world. 

 and the minute they told her they of course had to explain the dangers that came with this, not only would she have demon's after her, she would also have human's after her. although she took in the information like it was nothing, she still was only 11. of course the thought of not necessarily having a side to be apart of scared her but this is why she agreed so enthusiastically to the training. she had to protect her and her family. she understood now why they barely left their own residence. she wanted to change this. she had to. 

so her training had begun immediately, training with her mother was a cinch for her. human to human wasn't as hard as her trying to train with her father. she doesn't know how to use any of her demon...attributes yet so trying to face her father though it was just training was a lot harder and it frustrated her immensely. but she had to keep trying. she had to succeed and protect those around her.

----- ⟺ -----

And so her long journey of training began. As years went by she seemed to become more demon than human. This thought scared her mouther slightly, knowing how hard it was for the girls own father to control himself when she was first born. never mind having to train to control himself, simply for him to marry the woman he loves without the risk of devouring her.

However the girls reassure his wife, she wasn't alone through her training, she had both her parents one being a demon and one being human. It was perfect if this wasn't luck what was.

Through the years she learned how to control her hunger by eating human food in place of that or sleeping when it got bad, she learned different breathing techniques, her mother was originally the 'wrath hashira'

But with both parents training the girl their abilities mixed.

And this is how the girl became the
Demon Hashira

Welcome to your story Y/n...
Are you ready?


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