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Flies are pretty interesting to observe.

I've never understood why these creatures paused in mid-flight to rub their hands against one another.

The poor thing appears to have lots on its mind. What if it's plotting mass murder? Count me in! It's not like I have anything else to do. It's summer, and I'm bored out of my mind.

He looks pretty kind, though. So, I will always stand by him and his actions.

I was abruptly jolted out of my thoughts as the fat, bloated creature came buzzing in my direction.

Swatting my arms in the air, I began to yelp for help, hoping the gigantic creature would soon get knocked out and die.

Unfortunately, my plan didn't work since the thing seemed completely unbothered. If anything, it should be on its knees begging for forgiveness. I don't appreciate when stuff like that startles me out of my thoughts.

I had enough of the buzzing creatures' bullshit, so I grabbed the closest slipper I could find and knocked the shit out of it. No, I mean literally. Its gush oozed out, and I felt sick to my stomach.

"What's with all the yelling? I thought you were getting murdered!" My mother shouted as she rushed down the stairs.

If only you knew, Mother.

"Sorry," I scoffed.

How can that lady expect me to be so calm when a literal monster who was plotting my death not long ago approached me and decided that I was no longer in need of its world and that my time was officially over?

Shit, did I say that out loud?

I noticed she wasn't standing in the same spot she had been a few seconds before.

Luckily, she returned upstairs. If my mother heard what came out of my mouth, she'd believe I've gone mad and immediately disown me.

My parents have raised me well as a child, so I strive not to misbehave or cause any trouble in their presence.

Notice how I said, "in their presence."

No one has authority over me when I'm around my friends or away from home. Nobody can tell me how to act or behave. I am a bad bitch!

That's afraid of flies.

We don't talk about that, though!

Anyway, I don't particularly appreciate having to conceal my personality at home, but it is what it is.

After what felt like hours of being buried in my thoughts, I checked the time on my cell phone.

Oh shit, I'm running late.

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