42 12 27

My father and I have been traveling west for the past couple of hours.

He hasn't clarified where I'm going, what I'm doing, or why I need a lifelong supply of toilet paper.

What type of event necessitates the use of toilet paper?

Any who, I'm proud to announce that Cayden has completed his math assignment. Unfortunately, we didn't receive assistance from our father; however, we did use Photomath.

That app is literally life-saving.

Even though we cheated on every question and couldn't comprehend a thing, he'll receive his A, and that's all that matters.

Why would anyone need to know the significance of 4x+8i-3f=? It's not like we'll be stopping by the local supermarket to solve complex mathematical equations after we graduate and become grownups.

So that, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is what I call bullshit.

If I had to settle between math and death, I'd gladly embrace death.

I'm not sure how my father is skilled at it. He's continually saying, "It's easy once you get the concept of it!" or, "It's so obvious!"

Like hell, it is. (Please note my sarcasm <3)

Anyway, the voice directing us claims that our destination is on the left.

Which way is left again?

"Jaz?" my father spoke as he rolled down the window.

"Yes, Father?"

"I'm dropping you off at camp. Your meeting is soon, and I'm sorry for not informing you about this earlier. Your course should last for about a month, and I'll take you home once it's over. Unfortunately, cell phones aren't permitted. Therefore, you'll have to either hide it discreetly or leave it with me. I won't go snooping through your apps or text messages, don't worry. It's your personal life, and I shouldn't interfere with it. You know it's your mother's doing, though, and just so you know, I don't support it. Have fun at camp, kiddo. Tell me how it goes!" He stated this as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Wait!" I chased him down and took control of the vehicle.

Once he spotted me fighting for my life, he pulled over. "Yes?"

I pointed to the trunk, and he got out of the car to lift it open. "Were you going to abandon your child on the streets with no clothing, food, or shelter? I must say, Father, those are some excellent parenting skills you carry!"

He chuckled, "Jaz, you know I'd never do that. Do you want me to walk you to your bus stop? If not, I'll go back home and call it a day."

I didn't want to upset him, so I nodded, and he cheerfully led the way.

However, as a teenager, I felt humiliated by the thought of people finding me holding hands with my father.

I savored the moment, knowing that this would probably be the last time I'd ever see him again. He sensed my altered behavior and embraced me in a hug.

A few moments later, he spoke up, "Look, I don't want to disturb you for too long, but I think I should go back home. You don't want to miss your ride to camp!"

"You're right. Also, please keep my phone safe. Who knows what the camp directors will do if they catch me with a cellular device. Goodbye, Father." I waved as he drove off.

I swiftly brushed my tears away and walked up to the entrance.

My initial impression of the campers? Thousands. There were so many individuals that I couldn't even catch a proper glimpse of anyone.


Hello, loves! 
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. I'll make an effort to update every day, and keep to my word.

I also apologize for the short chapters; I'll try to make them longer and much more pleasant in the future.

Have an amazing day/night!

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