The powers and the plan

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"George get the prince in his room" wise says as the boy with dark brown hair who smiles at me before walks there .
"Your highness" he says as he bows at me as i chuckled because no one ever bowed at me my entire life. My dad made me make him tea my mok beated me with a spoon when i was five and savio made me feel like shit.finally i am respected
"George is your personal guide guard if you want anythung just tell him" Flaire says with a smile

I walked into the kingdom filled with paintings and flowers the personal guard telling me about the place. Eric! You're here for a mission stop getting distracyed i thought to myself .
When out lf nowhere a girl with dark brown hair wearing a dark blue gown like cinderella screans as she was skating . She was going to fall when i held her and she looked into my eyes and i looked into hers when i made her get up

"I am sorrg prince savio" She says wigh a smile as he voice was so soft

"This is " george tries tp say when i interjected him
"Florence cynthia jean" i replied as she looked at me with 'how you know my name' look

"Dad warned me about you skating, george take me to my room" i said . Dammit i am such a blabbermouth. when i heard a deep voice

"Savio otis kaz won't you meet me?" a girl asks as i turned around and saw a girl wearing a red gown as her hair were ginger/red colour

"Certainl i will...what's your name?" i asked with a confused look

"Emily ruthie efron, your highness" emily replies as she bows

"Esperi que cenicienta no coquetera can el comi lo hizo con chris " emily  asks looking at george

"No " He replies as she looks at me with a smile

"Ella no coqueteo conmigo no te preocupes" i said with a smile as her eyes got wide

"princess florence is the princess of narnia , Queen's favourite " george introduces

"Pleasure to meet you princess" i said as i bowed at her

"Princess of wakanda emliy and going to be princess of wisdomville" george says and i bowed at her

"How? Is she a sister? Or a cousin?" i asked looking at george as he guves me a unimpresses look

"Sister cousin? She is going to marry you, she is your fiance majesty" he replies with a 'are you for real" look

She is my what now? Wow dad really!

I went in the room . Wow this isn't bad finally some silence no skating princess, no latina fiance and no geor- i turned around

"George !" i said in shock
"Anything i should get for you majesty?" george asked with a smile

"no if i want anything i will get ir by myself its alright" i replied with a exhausted smile as he gasps

"But you are prince" he says
"Get out , george" i said with a smile and he went out

Okay my work starts here everything will be according to what i planned The crown the everything

"Let's get my powers " i said in a low voice as i removed my ring . God i missed my powers . My eyes shined as  i looked in the mirror. I raised my hand as the things in the room started floating

Wise be ready for this ...

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