The give and take

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"Mom dad i'll head to work now" I said with a smile

I Sell jewels and handmade pots . I used to go with eric before he left god I miss him so much he is like a brother to me but now that he is going to be king he left. I wonder how its like to be there with people working under your hands its like a dream i wish i had that life too

"Be right back till evening son" Dad (Mike) says with a smile
"Do you want me to pick you up?"  mom (sofia) asks in a concerned tone because she knows i am not used to alone
"Its alright mom" i assured with a smile as dad gives me a proud smile

I walked through the streets as i saw similar faces who were selling stuffs
I opened the blanket and spreaded it on the table carefully keeping the stuffs in order like eric used to he has a photographic memory itd hard for me but i still tried. Chattering noises of people bargaining going on

I drank water as everyone gets queut when a girl with ginger/red hair walks towards my way scanning the other stalls as her guards were behind her holding umbrella to protect her from warm breezes/ sun

She is so beautiful her blue eyes making my heart beat fast her red lips moving as she whispers to her guards i don't know why but she is making me feel something

As i was lost in mt thoughts she walked towards my stall. She started examining the jewels and pots .i can say she isn't satisfied

"I want something precious to give to the prince , do you think you can help me?" she asks searching the jewels shining

"Uh..yeah what prince likes?" i asked admiring her
"I don't know he is not ordinary for sure " She replies as a smile came on her face making my heary breaks in pieces

"Richard what do you think prince likes?" She asks as i rolled up my sleeves and opened my coar button because the weather is really hot my necklace showing off

She glanced at my necklacr
"I want that i can give you whatever you ask for" She says with a excited tone her face brightened up
My yellow diamond necklace with pearls? Really?
"This? Sure" i replied as i unhooked it and gave it to her as i felt my eyes shine what?

"Thank you , nice guy" She says admiring the necklace
"What can i do for you?" She asks looking at me

"Money works" i replied with a smile as she handed me a bag full of money that's a lot of money

"He must be really important to you" I said keeping the money in box
"he is Prince savio otis kaz ...he means a lot to me " She says with a smile putting the necklace in her bag

I flinched as the money fell on the ground and i don't even care about the money did she just? I blinked as flashback were coming in front of my eyes
I looked at her with a small smile

"What is your name?" she asks with a smile and without any hesitation i replied
"Eric james joseph" I said with a smile showing pure anger

"You uh seem angry money isn't enough?" She asks with a confused smile

"No..i am not as a matter of fact i don't even want your money that necklace isn't even important to me" I replied handing the money back
"So what do you want?" She asks raising her eyebrow

"Tell me can you give me anything i ask for?" i asked with a smile as her smile fades away
"Yes anything" she replies in a nervous tone
"The book of untold secrets" i replied as she flinches as if i asked her for her kingdom

"Well all people in the kingdom has it i don't see a problem" she says with a smile as i nod

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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