Cuddles and Talking part 2

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"What do you mean 'you're not stealing again'?"Nightmare asked looking at Ccinco and Classic with a confused look

"Well uh you see....Dream been kinda...sorta.....stealing stuff so he could feed the kids?"Ccinco explained hesitantly twiddling  his thumbs as The 4 Bad Sanses stared at him

One of Nightmares eyes began to twitch "So your telling me my brother who wouldn't even hurt a fly.steals things,threatens people,and ate the FREAKING APPLE!?!" Nightmare screamed

"Um....yes?"Classic said hesitantly


"Um he's actually done that"Ccinco said

As soon as Nightmare heard that he started yelling gibberish and stormed outside to get some fresh air

Nightmare huffed and sat down on the porch stairs rethinking his life choices

"Ink wait you can't just rush ahead"Nightmare heard someone call out and looked up to see whose voice it was only to see a familiar looking hoodie that resembles Dreams running after a child dragging 4 other children with his magic into the forest on the outskirts of town.

Nightmare got up and quickly started following them only to lose to them in the forest

Nightmare wandered around for a bit until he came across a old shack in clearing.Nightmare  made all four of his tentacles appear and raised them as he headed in the shacks direction

Once Nightmare stepped foot into the shack he heard the door slam shut making a loud causing him to whip around to see who closed it

Nightmare tentacles twitched as they tensed up

Suddenly Nightmare got grabbed and a hand covering his mouth and knife to his neck

"You never should have stepped foot in here and now you have to-wait.....Nightmare?!"Dream asked as he let go off Nightmare asked up a bit

Nightmare put a hand to his throat gently rubbing it and turned around to face Dream "Hello again Dreamy"Nightmare said

"First off don't call me that nickname is old you    said it yourself for centuries that you'd never call me that again.Second off how in Destiny's name did you find this place?"Dream asked as he put his knife away

"Well I was sitting outside on the Classics porch stairs to get some fresh air and I just so have happened to see you chasing after a kid into the forest"Nightmare explained

Nightmare looked around noticing slightly torn up chair and sofa,a coffee table that had coloring pages and broken crayons on it,a small kitchen,small hallway leading to 3 rooms

"Nice place you got here Brother"Nightmare commented as he went over to the chair and sat down

"Whatever...."Dream said as he rolled his eyes at Nightmares comment

Both of them said nothing after that and sat in silence

"Mama is safe to come out now?"A tiny voice asked causing Dreams eyes to widen as both him and Nightmare looked in the voices direction see Blueberry looking up at Dream with small innocent eyes as the others hid behind him

"No baby it-"

"Yes.Yes it is Blue"Nightmare said cutting Dream off

Dream watched Nightmare with a cold glare and he stood up and walked towards the children and kneeled infront of them

"So this is what you've been doing for the past four years.Taking care your team"Nightmare said ruffling Blues light blue puffy hair

Dream mumbled under his breathe as he crossed his arms

"Mm what was that?"Nightmare asked turning his head slightly to glance up at Dream

"What do you care anyway it's not like you've cared for me over the past 1,000 years"Dream repeated himself

"Well that may be true but I wanna change that"Nightmare said standing up and walked towards Dream

"And why is that?"Dream asked looking at Nightmare with a confused look

"Because you're my brother and I'm supposed to care for you and I've also.....I've also seen wronging in my actions and realized that the apple incident and the reason I'm like this wasn't your fault,it was those damn villagers fault if I just had told about the bullying none of this would have happened"Nightmare said hugging himself as he looked down at the ground

Nightmare felt something slimy wrap around him only to realize it was on of Dreams tentacles

Nightmare looked back up to look at his brother only to see Dream having a gentle smile on his face with Nightmare returning the smile back

Nightmare pulled Dream into a hug wrapping his tentacles around his as he held his brother closer tears pricking at the corner of his eyes

Dream was shocked at the sudden action but quickly came back to reality and also wrapped his tentacles around Nightmare and hugged him back

"Shhh it's ok I'm here let it out"Dream said in a reassuring voice reaching up to caress Nightmares black cyan tinted hair

Nightmare shoved his face into Dreams shoulder as tears started streaming down his face staining Dreams hoodie but Dream didn't care "I-I'm sorry"Nightmare hiccuped

"Shhh I know,I know"Dream said a smoothing voice and teleported the both of them onto the sofa with Dream laying down slightly and Nightmare on top of him still crying into Dreams shoulder

All the kids came walking towards them and stood at the side of the sofa

"Mama is scary man ok?"Frisk asked as Chara hugged tightly them tightly eyeing Nightmare is suspicion

"Yes Frisk he's fine,Now how about you all go to bed"Dream said in almost a whisper as he felt Nightmare calming down to the point where he could fall asleep

"But it's only 9!"Lust slightly shouted

"Yes I know Lust but if you guys go to bed now you all might be able to talk to the scary man before he leaves"Dream said as he started caressing Nightmares hair again

"Ok Mama we love you!"All the kids said in sync as he rushed to their bedrooms

Dream chuckled and slowly drifted off to sleep

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