Ep 7 A Thanksgiving Fiasco

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Season 1, Episode 7, Episode number: 07


[ On screen:]

Thanksgiving Day

[A few weeks has passed. The trees on the lawn now show leaves of red, orange, yellow signaling the fall season]



[In the dining room. Paige is seen with Tamora and Kat who are helping her setup the dining table with glasses, plates, fancy napkins, and utensils along with setting up decorations and streamers on the wall.]

Paige: It looks great. Girls. And also thank you for helping.

Tamora: It's our obligation as your daughters for what you done so much for us as our mom.

Kat: True that.

[Paige starts to tear up from Tamora's words. She then wipes it off.]

Paige: Oh Tam. That is so sweet of you to say.

Tamora: Thanks mom. So now I think it's time for us to go. I got work.

Kat: Yea. And I got a brunch to go to with Gale to discuss about Christmas Pageant ideas and plans.

Paige: Okay girls. And thanks for helping again. And Kat. Isn't a bit too early for discussing about Christmas things. I mean it's still November.

Tamora/Kat: Nope.

Tamora: Jinx.

Kat: Double Jinx.

Paige: Wow. Seriously? The twin thing again.

Tamora: Sorry can't help it. It's our twin-

Kat: Tuition.

Tamora: Nice. We finished each other sentences again.

Kat: So rad. And we made up a cool word too. Twintuition.

Paige: Oh my girls. You always bring joy into my life.

Tamora/ Kat: Thanks mom.

[Tamora and Kat then smile after realizing they said the same thing again. ]

Paige: Oh my. My girls.

Tamora: What?

Kat: It's just our Twintuition. We can't help it.

Paige: I know girls.

Tamora: Well time to split.

[Tamora grabs her purse and ORBS out.]

Kat: Same here. Mom.

[Kat grabs her purse and ORBS out too. Paige then takes a look at the room admiring it on a work well done by her and the girls.]



[Dazos and Johanna are standing waiting for two individual to be revived from the flames.]

Johanna: Was it wise to revive these two? What if they betray us one day?

Dazos: I doubt unlikely. Since we gave them a second chance life.

Johanna: Let's hope. My love.

[The flames then dissipate and it reveals who they are. It is Christian and Josephine who have come back from the dead. They have a confused look in their eyes.]

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