
28 1 1

-"Oh fuck. You know him?"

"Eddie! Of course i do. Almost the whole school does, hes the sunshine of this shitty down."

Richies blood heated quickly the second Eddie looked at him. "Oh! Hey!" Eddie smiles, waving before focusing his attention back on Bev. "What? Do you and Richie know each other?"

no. no we dont. we d-

"Richies his name? Yeah! Well, i bumped into him in the halls today, but he ran off before i could even ask for a name." Eddie says with a giggle.

the most angelic thing Richie has ever heard in his life.

"Hm." Bev says with a smirk, looking at Richie, as he quickly shoots her the 'dont fucking say it' kind of look. One she has recieved far too many times in many other conditions.

"You wanna swim with us before it gets too dark?" Bev asks, looking back and forth between Ben and Eddie. "I would love to. but mama said i have to be home before 6:30, Ben just wanted to show me where he went to write his books." And with that, Ben nods and smiles.

"Bummer, im sure Rich would love to-"

"Beverly! Are you gonna come back in the water or what? Stan shouts, far too out into the water to hear what was going on on the other side. "Cmon, Eddie. At least 10 minutes with us wont hurt."

And with that, the 2 boys join the others in the water.


Once it hit 6:10, Eddie climbed out of the water, the rest of the teenagers right behind him. "I gotta head out, but it was really fun; and, Rich, it was nice to officially meet you." Eddie says with a warm smile, before turning around and pulling his clothes back on.

his smile reminds Richie of the summer.

the sunny blue skies with the least amount of clouds. the birds singing the lovliest songs early in the morning, the smell of fresh cut grass and dandilions. the fresh air, slight wind, and late night chilly breeze. the little things that bring joy into the small town of derry; and not only that, but the way the golden hour sun reflects onto his freckled skin, the water droplets shining, his curly hair dripping and pulled back, yet messy and wild. the way the water trailed down his smooth chest, the way his lips were chapped, yet hydrated by the quarry water. eddie looks like an angel.

eddie is as sweet as a peach.

richie hears people say 'nobody is perfect' all the time. but fuck, he found one.

"It was nice meeting you too, Eds."

"Do not call me t-"

"Whatchu gonna do about it, shortstack?"

"Thats it." Eddie says with a smile. "Its on."

Eddie pulls of his clothes as quicky as possible, his boxers still soaked. He runs into the water, splashing Richie as much as he can, only for Richie to splash back.

"Okay okay- you win you win." Richie says inbetween laughs.

"Mhm." Eddie says with a cocky smile, before swimming back up to the shore. "Now i seriously gotta go, before my mom sends out a whole ass search party."

"Bye, Eddie!" Everyone yells as Eddie walks up the dirt road.

"Bye, Eds."


Richie, Ben, and the rest of the losers are dressed, walking up the dirt road.

Richie checks the time, reading 6:28. "Alright, losers. I gotta split ways and get home, Mom wants me back in time for dinner."

"Awh. Alright, love ya Rich." Bev says with a frown, the rest of the teenagers waving as Richie walks down a seperate road.

He pulls out his phone, shuffling his favorite playlist.

Africa by Toto.


Richie wakes up the next morning, bones aching from swimming around and playing rounds of chicken over and over again.

He got up, grabbing some black ripped jeans and a Nirvana band shirt. His style changes everyday.

The sun shines through his cracked window, reflecting onto the wall. The birds sang, the trees dancing along. The mornings always gave Richie some sense of euphoria, even if he didnt want to be awake so damn early.

He quickly got dressed and went into the bathroom, following his regular routine.

Once it hit 7:00, he skipped down the stairs, once again ignoring his dad and walking out the front door.

"Ah, theres the Rich i know." Bev says with a goofy smile, referring to his clothes. "Oh Bev, you just know exactly how to boost my ego." He says with a sarcastic tone and a laugh. "Shall i play some music?" He asks, recieving a nod in response.

Iris by Goo Goo Dolls.

/// 2nd post of the night bc why not. neways i rly hope you guys like it so far, im learning more about writing and details everyday, so hopefully the chapters are getting better !
farewell c: -B

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