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before this continues, thank you all for reading this, 30 views!! im so excited about it, i didnt think people would notice it so fast. i promise to keep updating at least 3 times a week, maybe more; i wont keep you guys waiting too long c: you all genuinely mean so much to me, and i cant wait for you guys to see how far this goes.

Richie and Bev walk to school, with music blasting through their ears, their feet walking alined together. Once they reached the parking lot of Derry High, he took out his earbud; Bev handing him hers. "You ready, freddie?" Richie says with a goofy smile, walking past all the old, rusty hand-downed cars. "Oh richie thy self, how could i ever be ready for such a thing!" Bev says in an accent Richie would concider ancient in greek mythology, rather Romeo and Juliet.

The 2 teenagers walk through the front doors, chattering going through one ear and out the other, some voices rather familar.

"Rich! Bev!" Stan yells, jogging up to the other 2, Bill, Ben, and Eddie following close behind.

"Hey eds."

"Do not call me that."

"Eds? or what about, hm, Eddie spa-"


"Eddie spaghetti."

Eddie sighed, rolling his eyes with a small faint blush laying under his freckles, and then he gasps. "Richie Itchy!"

"Absolutely not." Richie says with a sarcastic glare and a point. He then shakes his head with a chuckle. "Cmon, asshats. We've got classes to attend!" Richie says with a british accent, only to recieve 'boo's and groans.

eddie made the fear of being judged go away. the built up anxiety in his chest, the overwhelming noise, all laid out on a plate and thrown away.

eddies angelic voice, the way he smiles at richies sarcastic glares and stupid jokes, the way he laughs with bev in the halls, it all makes derry high not feel so



Richie and Bev shared this class together, whispering and giggling to each other.

Mr.Harris clears his throat. "Tozier. Marsh. Pay attention, you're gonna need this for the quiz tomorrow." He says with the same old teacher look they have both recieved many other times on multiple occasions.

They both went quiet and straight faced, both holding back a laugh at the joke Richie made about Mr.Harris' hair the minute before. Mr fucking clean.

Before they knew it, the bell rang for lunch, the teenagers pouring out the classroom door to get to lunch as quickly as possible, Richie and Bev walking out last and meeting up with the rest of the losers.

"Hey, stan. Ben and Eddie not joining us today?"

"I-i ttthh- think they a-are j-jo-joining us later."

Bev and Rich nod at that, Bill joining the 3 as they walk to lunch. "Ar-are w-e-we ad-adding Eddie and B-b-ben to our g-g-group? We've be-been hang-hanging out with th-them alot recently."

"We havent really talked about that yet, but im guessing so." Richie said with a shrug.

Richie knows that Eddie being around all the time is going to drive him insane in the best ways. They've only seen each other twice, and the thought of seeing him alot more makes his heart flutter and beat 3x faster. Richie feels as if the waves of his heart are crashing together like the sea crashing onto rocks, meeting the shore. The peachy plum color forming across his cheeks and around his ears.

"Hey guys!" Ben says with a smile, sitting down next to Bev, while Eddie sits across from him; right next to Richie. "Whatchu guys up to?"

"Oh, nothing really. You guys wanna go grab lunch?" Bev asks.

"No. The food here is actual shit, i think i'd rather starve to death then eat another cheeseburger." Eddie says with a giggle, pulling out some disinfectant wipes from his bag and wiping down the area. "Plus, who knows how unsanatary the trays are!"

And with that, he lists every sickness you can catch that he can remember on the top of his head.

Of course, knowing Richie and Bev, they didnt care and came back with their trays a few minutes later. "Oh how will i ever get over the fear of getting cancer! Over mashed potatoes!" Richie says with a dramatic frown, before chuckling and recieving a glare from Eddie. "Im serious! Richie! You could get seriously sick and become weak to everything! You could die!"

Bill and Stan break into laughter, only for Eddie to get irritated and huff.


Richie arrived home a little later then usual, setting his bag down at the door and walking into the kitchen.

Maggie was cooking up something quickly, already dressed into her origional work clothes as a waitress at the diner. "Hey, Hun. I hope you're hungry. Your dads out for the night with his friends, so its just me and you for now."

"Oh, okay. Yeah, i can eat. I thought you didnt work until tomorrow night?"

"That was the plan, but Sherrys son got sick, so im taking her shift."

"Oh, okay."

He sat down at the table, rubbing his eyes before letting his train of thoughts get to him. "Why do you stay with him?"

"Who? Your father?"

"Yeah, i mean. Hes shitty. He hurts you mom. I dont understand."



"Richard, you know the situation. Please dont push it."

with a sigh, he nods; but he will never truely understand.

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