The Seventh World

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Ibara: Jinzo?


Jinzo: Yes Ibara?


Ibara: I was wondering if you Gods hear our prayers


Jinzo: Oh well some do and some don't you see some Gods and Goddesses are to busy or they don't care but I do know some Gods and Goddesses do like listen to peoples prayers some time when I can


Ibara: So do you ever listen to my prayers


Jinzo: I do but do not worry I will not tell anyone your prayers


Ibara: Thank you My lord Jinzo


Jinzo: Please do not start calling me Lord Jinzo now please


Ibara: I'm sorry Jinzo


Jinzo: It's fine

Loadi- Multiverse found now loading title

Sick Deku

Everyone: What does Sick Deku mean

Jinzo: Oh dear I was hoping this didn't come up kids can you please go to the kids room

Eri & Kota: Why is something bad going to Papa/Dad

Jinzo: No he is going to be good just this world is a little scary for you two

Eri & Kota: Ok we will go to the kids room

They get up and go to the kids room and soon as the door shut I made sure it couldn't be open until the world is over

Izuku: So its not scary is it Jinzo

I look down

Jinzo: No it's not you die in this one and I didn't want the kids to see that

Everyone eyes go widen and start worry for their friend/crush/Son/Student

Jinzo: You see in this one after Izuku got injured in sports festival fighting Todoroki he was in RG office getting healed when she say something in this system so she checked it out and found out he had a rare cancer that only came to exist after quirks became a thing

RG: You don't mean

Jinzo: Yes he got qurikelistamo or what people call it virusquirk, A type of cancer that is incurable and kills the person slowly and then quickly

Everyone looked down realizing that Izuku was going to die in this and that they couldn't do anything to stop it

Jinzo: When the class finds out because Izuku didn't want to hide it everyone helped him and made sure he was healthy and happy everyday, But one person helped the most and That was Ibara

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