Shadow Zone

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Transformers Prime belongs to Hasbro Studios
Familiar of Zero belongs to Seven Seas Entertainment.
I got the idea to do this from a user called "Aztumer" on FanFiction.Net. So go give em some love. He or she made the two chapters they made in 2014. I loved the premise and the way this individual set it up that I decided to adopt it for fun. See where this goes.

Dark and quiet
That is what it felt like for Soundwave as he wandered aimlessly through the shadowzone
Ever since the Autobots and their human pets trapped him in this dimension during their assault on the Nemesis, the Decepticon Communications Officer had been trying to find a way out of this silent hell, to no avail.

Even though he never showed his face and rarely spoke if at all, Soundwave like all Cybertronians had emotions, (the only exemption being the mad scientist Shockwave.) and upon his confinement, he was overwhelmed with anger and a feeling of revenge that was slowly replaced by sadness and frustration towards himself.

How could he allow himself to be tricked in such a manner? Especially with a Phenomenon involving the Ground bridge. A machine that he has installed within his body! What's worse was that he was unable to save Lord Megatron from being impaled by the Autobot scout Bumblebee with the Star Saber. So here he was trapped in this ghostly world, a mere shadow of the real one.

But his disheartenment continued when Megatron was resurrected, and the Decepticons official decommissioning. The dream of a Cybertron under the banner of the Decepticons was dead when their leader exiled himself. Forcing Soundwave to roam the world either in his jet form or otherwise, avoiding the Autobots and the humans as much as possible as they were the last things he wanted to see.

	But in the woods of the Appalachia soundwave sat peacefully on a ledge as the sun began to set

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But in the woods of the Appalachia soundwave sat peacefully on a ledge as the sun began to set. He had exhausted all possible options in escape, but his confinement seems absolute, he was trapped, left to rust in a place no one would find him. But even if the Decepticons weren't known for that particular emotion, he remained hopeful that he would be able to escape. In his mind, if there was a chance of getting out of here, even if it was illogical, he'd take it in a sparkbeat gladly.

"My servant that exists somewhere in this vast universe" came a disembodied voice that caught Soundwaves attention, looking around and scanning the greenery that surrounded him, he found no human or speaker of any kind. Perhaps his isolation had finally driven him mad, and his audio receptors were malfunctioning.

" My divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call." there it was again, the disembodied voice, he wasn't sure where it was coming from, and after analyzing it quickly it sounded young and feminine. He was confused about what the voice was talking about though. 'Divine'- ADJ- of, from, or like a God, or being a God himself- Soundwave wouldn't describe himself as a God, Megatron was more attuned to that description. Similies are excellent, or delightful. Maybe they meant those descriptive terms instead?

'Beautiful'-ADJ- pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically- Soundwave has never been called that before. That and the words ' wise' and 'powerful' sounded like compliments! After all, he is a very intelligent Decepticon, and also an extremely capable fighter though Knockout would disagree, Soundwave thought his finish was good enough for him. The 'servant' part had him stumped, she said it twice, Soundwave is a servant to no one except Megatron and the Deception's cause, but with neither existing anymore, he supposed he was his own master. As he listened to the voice he recorded it, word for word, just in case he'd need it for use later.

"I wish from the bottom of my heart, add to my guidance and appear!" After the voice finished that last sentence, a bright light shone from behind Soundwave. He turned around and got off of the cliffside and saw in front of him a green oval-shaped portal. Analysis of the portal showed no traces of Energon, actually it didn't have an energy source that he could detect, it just seemed as if it was there but...not there. So he deduced it couldn't be a ground bridge or a space bridge. But it seems to be meant for him. And if this was a chance to finally escape the shadowzone he should take it. Right?

Soundwave stood staring at the anomaly for a moment unsure of where it will take him, or if it was safe for him, but this seemed like the chance he was waiting for. Praying for. Taking a deep breath, not that he needed to breathe but it was more to mentally prepare himself. He walked over to the threshold. Silently raising his head to the darkening, red sky. Saying a silent prayer. ' if this works...I promise to be an...


Soundwave reached out his right arm and poked it with his finger, he was suddenly pulled into the portal, after which it closed, leaving the shadowzone as it always was...quite, dark and now finally...empty.

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