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Transformers Prime belongs to Hasbro Studios.
Familiar of Zero belongs to Seven Seas Entertainment.

Hello, bois and gals I'm just gonna ramble for a little, so skip to the bold text if you so choose. Ok so I'm loving this story and don't plan on giving it up any time soon, but I also like having some feedback. So if it's any inconvenience commenting your thoughts and suggestions are much appreciated.
Also, I have a feeling that my style of writing isn't many people's cup of tea, but I prefer to write stories like I'm telling them to people. The whole script style of writing never rubbed me the right way, too simplistic for my taste. Sorry if that bothers some people.
Additionally, I'm an amateur writer, so if some sentence structure issues pop up, or I repeat something too much, or something like that. Just know that when I notice it later I slap myself on the head thinking how dumb I am for making such simple mistakes, and will attempt to fix it if I find it.
Btw I'm going to be going down most of the same story beats as the original anime so most of what the characters say is based on the show, just with Soundwave instead of Saito (tbh I wish Soundwave was in the show instead of that whiney little kid, the show would be so much cooler that way! Prove me wrong!) sure he does some stuff but that's because he's a "legendary familiar" and he has those runes that give him special powers to be able to use anything built for warfare.
But c'mon he never does anything with his own 'power'. whereas Soundwave, was a politician turned gladiator, with experience in espionage. He's a revolutionary and a highly-skilled fighter who prefers his actions speak for him, unless necessary. He doesn't need the magic runes to help him, he's a badass all by himself. And if you've noticed I haven't even mentioned them, because they are that insignificant to Soundwave's skill set. But I digress...
If you read through this then you're a trooper and I appreciate it. I love everyone who read up to this point. And you guys have no idea how nice it feels to see people read my dumb little fanfiction.
Thank you.


     The group was stupified. Watching the 'duel' if one could even call it that. The students and some servants marveled at the familiar's power and skill, they cheered for him. But his elegance, and lethality were what stumped some of them keeping them quiet. Soundwave dispatched the Valkyries with ruthless efficiency, movements, and instinctual motions which could have only been developed with years of practice in killing things. Specifically humanoid things. Mannerisms forged in the fires of warfare.

    Many were impressed such as Tabitha, who watched the fight with interest, and Kirche who stared on in admiration and lust. Looking on at him she could only think how cool he looked, devastating Guiche's golems. And that last part, holding up Guiche to his face and speaking in his own voice, contrary to using someone else's was the icing on the cake. When he said the words "Soundwave: Superior. Guiche: Inferior" it sent chills down her spine, and she was unsure as to why. (plot lol jk. She was like this in the show with Saito)

    Right then and there she decided that she was going to reward him for 'entertaining' her by making him her new toy to have 'fun' with (if you know her character, you know what fun I'm referring to) biting her lower lip she watched as Soundwave simply dropped Guiche onto his butt and walked away calmly, his bird companion jumping off of Kirche's shoulder and swooping over and landing on his masters. Siesta was delighted, to say the least. She was another who thought Soundwave's display was impressive with a happy skip she ran towards the kitchens and servants' quarters to tell the others the news. A commoner had defeated a noble.

    Guiche sat on the ground and watched as Soundwave walked away from him with his back turned to him. It was over. 'Soundwave' as he called himself had spared him. But he was shaking regardless, he was terrified beyond words. Sitting in the dirt, the humiliation, and his reputation were the last things on his mind when Soundwave stomped on his chest, his only thoughts were 'I'm going to die...I'm going to die and the last thing I did in my life was break two girl's hearts...'

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