The arriaval.

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Transformers prime belongs to Hasbro Entertainment.
And Familiar of Zero belongs to Seven Seas Entertainment.
I own nothing but the Story.
Btw friends if I mess something up. Or have any ideas for future parts of the story then due let me know what you think and how Soundwave would react.
The true problem with this is gauging how Soundwave would react. He's cold, quiet, calculating. And I know he's probably just gonna see the humans as a nuisance, but remember this is a story of redemption, he'll be nicer, and by nice I mean he's not gonna kill them, just....tolerate them. Louise is gonna be Louise....but not for long. Anyhoo into the story...even though you probably skipped this...😑

This is Louise btw

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This is Louise btw....the little bit-MOVING ON!

Nervous and confident.
That's exactly how Louise Valliere felt today and for good reason too. Today was the Spring summoning ritual, where second years -such as Louise- would summon a creature that not only showcased the student's elemental affinity, but also to become their servants, and protectors, or in other words a familiar!

As per tradition and space constraints, the events were being held outside Tristian Magic Academy, but still in the walls that surrounded the structure. The school's courtyard. It was normal since the familiars could be big or small. Like a floating eyeball...demon....thing...or a dragon. To the other students, this was a meer grade and, a gift more than anything. But to the short pink-haired girl of the group, this was her final chance, the chance to prove herself.

You see...

Throughout her schooling years, Louise had been teased and made fun of by her classmates, and the other students of the school, hell first years, and magic-less commoners taunted her. They all called her Louise the Zero, not because she couldn't use magic, far from it actually, she could cast spells, but they never turned out how she wanted... All the practice and studying in the world did nothing, they all ended the same. A giant Epic Explosion, (Megumin would be proud) that would on occasion cause damage to the academy. This made her relentless teasing only intensify.

'Well, not this time she thought to herself. She was gonna redeem herself! She was gonna prove that she can use magic properly, that she's not the 'Zero' her peers know her as! And she's gonna do it, with the Familiar summoning ritual! She figured if she could bring forth a truly magnificent being that perfectly encapsulated the characteristics she was looking for in a familiar, Divinity, beauty, wisdom, power, as well as being nothing like any mage has ever summoned before, she would prove to all the doubters and bullies that she's in fact, not a zero, even that wretched Kirche Von Zerbst. Who's families, always having a historical hatred towards each other, that and she was a great and skillful mage, rubbing salt in her wounded pride as a Valliere.

Of course, she was nervous, she was afraid she might fail the summoning and it'll just end in just another Explosion, and worst of all, be expelled from the academy there was a lot of pressure on her to succeed in this ritual, she would not only bring shame to herself but her family, and not follow her dream of being like her sister Cattleya.

"And last up, Miss Vallier, please come forward"  the class teacher, a young 30's ish, balding man, Mr. Colbert, called her up, snapping the pink-haired girl from her thoughts, but not her worries.

'Well....this is it' she said in her mind, walking through the group of students, hearing whispers and snickers from her peers, meaning they thought she would fail, and miserably at that, like all the other times she attempted magic. But she just shut their chatter out and marched on 'It's now or never Brimir, please. Give me your aid!'

    Louise was now finally out in front of the group. She turned and looked at professor Colbert, who gave her an encouraging smile. She turned back to where her future familiar would come from when the ritual was complete. She got her wand out and shakily raised it, taking a deep breath to stifle the nerves she spoke her incantation.

    "My familiar that exists somewhere in this vast universe" she began, in a confident tone, she's been practicing this all week, ' I can do this!'. She heard some snickers from the group, which she promptly ignored, "My divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call." placing her hand over her heart, to sum up, some remaining courage, she ended her incantation "I wish from the bottom of my heart, add to my guidance and appear!" she yelled

She should have expected that another explosion would have resonated from her wand, but this time WAY BIGGER than any of the previous ones she's made in the past. The blast force knocked everyone off their feet and shook the school. A massive plume of smoke filled the grounds covering everyone in the dirt, and sending some students and her peers into Coughing fits. Professor Colbert was the first to rise, fixing his glasses he surveyed the damage and to see if anyone was hurt. While a blond boy named Guiche was helping a blond girl with drill-like pigtails.

"My dear Montmorency, are you alright?" he asked romantically " yes Guiche, I'm fine" the girl was known as Montmorency replied in the same manner. She then turned to Louise and scowled. Speaking with Distain she said "but look at what she did to my dress"

"well if they're something I'll say about Louise..." a red-haired and dark-tanned girl who has an impressive cleavage said. This girl is Kirche Zerbst, Louise's rival ( as stated above) "...she sure knows how to fail SPECTACULARLY!" this, of course, caused the rest of the class to start laughing at the pink-haired girl.

Louise was about to turn and protest when the sound of metal grinding against each other suddenly stopped her. It came from within the smoke cloud, this caused the student body to stop laughing immediately.

It seems that Louise had summoned something, something big...really big. Professor Colbert got out his wand and used an air spell to dispel the cloud. When the cloud dissipated he and the students saw something frightening....

CLIFFHANGER!! HAHAHA!  Well not really since you already know who it is. But as apology you get this..,

I like this song.

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