Familiar Exhibition part 1

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Transformers Prime is owned by Hasbro Studios
Familiar of Zero is owned by Seven Seas Entertainment

T-Paste is getting chubby...
And he's a little terrorist, he climbed me like a fuckin tree at breakfast to steal my eggs like a dozen times because when I put him back down he'd just jump back up...little shit... Lol
I had just fed him too! But Nah he's great, plays me like a gawd damn fiddle!
My deepest apologies for being what...2, 3 weeks late to update! Oh, the humanity!
With football, School starting, and what's even worse I caught COVID so I've been dead in my bed for two weeks but...
Everything is fine... I am Alive...mostly.
And I'm feeling a lot better
So that's good.



"No, " Soundwave's visor said to a begging Louise in their dorm room. "Wha- No! You haven't even heard what I was going to ask you!" She had her hands clasped together in a pleading motion when he arrived, whatever she had gotten herself into she can get herself out as far as he was concerned. Sure he will help her to some extent with daily tasks and defend her when it comes to her safety or chastity but he won't do absolutely everything for her. If she's begging for something, it means she's most likely in a hole with someone or something and needs his assistance to help clear that away.

Soundwave was beginning to leave the room again so she can wallow in whatever she did to feel she needed him before she ran and covered the door with herself, looking up at him defiantly. 'She is aware I can throw her across the room with little to no difficulty, using herself as a barricade is useless...' " Please! I won't let you leave until you've heard what I have to ask!" she felt a small chill run down her spine when she peered into his visor, she could have sworn he was thinking along the lines of 'Is that a challenge?'

"Please this is important, and I need you for it as my Familiar and not my Guardian!" the feeling in her spine ceased, and Soundwave tilted his head in a questioning manner, making Louise sigh in relief, her overall feeling around her guardian has been cautious since her last dream with him as the main subject, and she's happy-ish that he is acting as he usually would and not harming her. She's glad she made that deal or she may be dead right now but that's beside the matter at hand.

    "In less than two days the 106th annual familiar exhibition will begin and we are required to participate!" she said to him quickly and nervously still unsure of how he would respond. "What must we do?" his visor spells out. "Well...typically Master and Familiar must perform some sort of Trick or routine to show their connection and the familiar's loyalty to the master..." she said slowly in hopes doing so will not garner his wrath. Louise visibly tensed when she heard him audibly sigh, most likely in contemplation.

    " I know you don't want to do it, and I didn't want to ask but to make matters worse for both of us, Princess Henrietta will be in attendance, so I'm really hoping you will participate so we can impress the Princess." finally peeking up to him he came across as contemplative deeply contemplative. "Uhm Soundwave?" she asked he looked up at her with a question mark on his visor. "Are we going to do it? Please..."

    "What are you hoping to accomplish with me in this exhibition, and what would I get for doing this for you?" he inquired, if he were to lower himself to do this of course he would want something in return, they are supposed to be equals after all. "Ah yes I knew you wouldn't do this for nothing..." she began but quickly stopped when she realized she had really nothing he would want, causing her to sigh in irritation "...What do you want?"

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